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No, any additional animal put into a confined volume of water will increase ammonia levels and will therefore not keep water 'fresh'.

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Q: Is it true that the Japanese put sharks in fish tanks to keep the fish fresh?
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Do the Japanese put sharks in fish tanks to keep fish fresh?


What eats lion fish?

Any large fish(sharks,whale,dolphin), Japanese,Humans,etc.

Do fish tanks always need a stand?

No just fresh water and a loving home! :)

Is black light bad for fresh water fish tanks?

No, you should be able to use it

Are Japanese fighting fish fresh or salt water?

I think the fish you are asking about is the Siamese Fighting fish AKA (Betta splendens). They are tropical fresh water fish.

What environment do sharks like?

Its depending on the shark bigger sharks its more deeper colder water like Great Whites but there are some big sharks that do like warmer water like the whale shark smaller sharks usually like warm water because they are smaller and dont have as much meat on there bones.

What happens when fertilizers are added to fresh water?

the fish living in the fresh water eat it and begin to grow larger and more healthy. I put fertilizer in my fresh water fish tanks every other day.

Do sharks eat fin fish?

No they can't because sharks are saltwater fish and large mouth bass are fresh water fish.

What kind of fish has teeth?

Sharp-toothed fish include most species of sharks, as well as piranha, barracuda, and gars.

Why do sharks eat one another?

Sharks don't eat guppies. Sharks live in the Ocean, Guppies live in fresh water.

Do salt water fish live in tropical tanks?

Saltwater fish require salt water, and fresh water fish need fresh water, you can't mix them, or the fish will die. You need to look at each individual fishes needs as to what temp they need their water to be. There are some saltwater fish that can survive in fresh water, but it is not healthy for them.

Where can you get salt water fish?

Most pet stores that sell fish also sell fresh and salt water fish. Read up and learn about salt water tanks because they are different to take care of than a fresh water tank.