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In theory - yes. In reality -no. The trouble is that bodies aren't clockwork perfect, and sometimes your period sort of does a doubletake. Among women relying on "rhythm methods" and "safe periods" as its called, about 20% of them gets pregnant each year.

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Q: Is it true that you can't get pregnant while on your period?
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You heard you cant get pregnant on your period is that true?

no. you ALWAYS have a chance of gettin preggers. its just less likely to happen on you're period

Can you have while you're on your on your period?

you CAN have but I know that people say you CANT get pregnant while you on your period but that's NOT TRUE! so if you do still stay safe no matter what!!!

Is it true that when you have your period that you cant eat eggs?

your period is natural eat watever you want

Is it possible to be pregnant but have such a low HCG count that your body still has AF?

HCG doubles about every other day, so if you get your period, chances are you are not pregnant. Not True. Many women can testify upon having a PERIOD while being pregnant. Some can testify upon having a PERIOD all 9 months of her pregnancy.

Can you tell if you are pregnant while you are on your period?

AnswerIf you are on your period, then you are not pregnant.-Thats not true at all. Some women can have their period throughout their entire pregnancy. A friend of mine's mother had her period up till she was 6 months pregnant with her daughter before she even found out she was pregnant to begin with! This can be called vaginal bleeding. If you have your period, but you feel you are showing symptoms of pregnancy, I would take a test or see your doctor for a blood test. good luck!

Can you be pregnant if your last 3 periods are 2 days shorter and its much much lighter and your partner has been ejaculating inside you for about 3 months while ovulating?

while you cant have a true period while pregnant you can have early pregnancy bleeding which can last up to half the pregnancy, early pregnancy bleeding is usually shorter and lighter, and while you are ovulating is the highest chance to become pregnanct, so it sounds like you have a high chance of being pregnant, take a home test and go from there, hope for the best

No cervical mucus just before period means not pregnant?

no true

Is it true if you have been pregnant before sometimes a urine test cant detect the hcg?

its possible.

Is it true that having a crush can make you miss your period?

No, it's not possible to miss your period if you just have a crush on someone. Not even being in love makes you miss it, only being pregnant. And when you first get your period they are not regular, it takes a while for them to become regular.

Can a woman have her period a short time after sex and still get pregnant?

It's unlikely, but possible if the vaginal bleeding was not a true period.

Is it true that when a female has her period and drinks alcohol her period goes away?

Only to the extent that when she drinks she is more likely to get pregnant.

If you was pregnant but still having a period would a test show a true reading?

Yes, a pregnancy test would show a true reading.