

Is it true the world startid with a big bang?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Is it true the world startid with a big bang?
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What is the banged?

the big bang is a theory. scientists believe that there was an explosion and now it keeps expanding. the world is 14.7 billion years old. the big bang isn't true because God created the world.

Was it the big bang that created are world?

Implying that you believe in The Big Bang Theory then yes our "World" aka Earth was created from the products of The Big Bang.

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Did the world start by a big bang?

The Universe was created by the big bang. The World or Earth, was formed about 9 billion years later from stellar debris and materials created by the big bang.

What did the world look like before the big bang?

Before the Big Bang, there was no world, nothing. Nothing defies description.

How big was matter at the time of the big bang?

It was so small it could of all fit in a tea cup. my teacher told me. true true. Fill a pin-head, I have read. Ryan92394 says: There was no matter at the time of the big bang. Matter came into existence 380,000 years after the big bang when the universe was cool enough for atoms to form. If your wondering how big the singularity was before the big bang, it was only a few microns in diameter. This is so small that you could not see it with the largest microscope in the world.

Why do people say that the big bang created the world?

The Big Bang is just another theory.

Why did the world started with the big bang?

There is no such thing as the big bang, you nidwits. God created the earth!

Did the world form after the big bang?

There is no such thing as the big bang, you idiots. God created the Earth!

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Big Bang Theory: Best Number in The World

How did the world come together?

big bang

What computer game did sheldon play on the big bang bang theory?

World of Warcraft.