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Brooklyn Bridge is perfectly safe.

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Q: Is it unsafe to stand under the Brooklyn Bridge in NYC because it is falling apart?
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What do people use for bridge demolition?

Bridge demolition would be used to demolish a bridge due to it being unsafe or if it were to be replaced with a better built bridge. Often bridges become unsafe in which case it would have to be demolished and rebuilt.

Why is a canoe not stable when you stand in it?

It is unsafe to stand in a canoe because it is much harder to keep balance with a raised center of gravity and you risk falling into the water.

What is difference between unsafe act and unsafe condition?

An unsafe act is any action that a human can take which may cause danger to living beings or surrounding material items (i.e. a house, a car, a garden, etc). An unsafe condition is the state of being which may lead to that danger and possible loss. For example: A bridge needs to be maintained. A man is assigned the duty of cleaning, priming, and painting the bridge. The man fails to clean the rust off of the bridge before he paints it. The paint fails to protect the metal of the bridge which rusts further and the bridge becomes unstable due to the weakened metal where the rust is. The man has acted unsafely and now the bridge is in an unsafe condition. Another example: A man fails to latch the tiger cage so that the tiger escapes and is able to mingle with the zoo patrons. The man acted unsafely by failing to secure the latch. The tiger is now able to roam the zoo, which is the unsafe condition. (Notice that the tiger is not acting unsafely. It cannot discern between safe and unsafe. The tiger is only part of the unsafe condition.) Only people can do an unsafe act, but an unsafe act can lead to any number of unsafe conditions with any number of factors.

Why are steel bridges declared unsafe after a long use?

Because of cracks and corrosion. Actually, poor maintenance is the cause of ALL modern bridge failures and closures.

Why did Helen have to walk nearly a mile out here way To Kill a Mockingbird?

Helen had to walk nearly a mile out of her way because the bridge near the Ewells' house was in poor condition and it was unsafe for her to cross. She had to take a longer route to avoid the bridge.

Is brooklyn safe?

Some neighborhoods are relatively safe, such as Park Slope, Brooklyn Heights and Williamsburg. Some neighborhoods are notoriously unsafe, such as Bedford-Stuyvesant, East New York and Brownsville.

Where can one learn about dantri?

More can be learned about the Dan Tri Bridge project at dti and Vietmaz online. The Dan Tri Bridge is a project where a cement bridge will be built so children can safely cross to go to school. The bamboo bridge is unsafe for children to cross.

When was the Abercynon suspension bridge built and how and when was it destroyed?

The suspension bridge (swinging bridge to us who used it) was built for the miners from the Carnetown area to get to Abercynon colliery. It was destroyed because it became unsafe. I'm afraid I don't know the exact dates but I can hazard a guess that it was built in the beginning of the 20th century & was demolished in the late 1940`s or early 1950`s Further information: The Bridge was apparently built in 1898. The bridge became unsafe due to flooding in 1942 (some sources say it was destroyed). However the exact date of demolition is unclear as other sources suggest that the bridge deck was replaced in the early 50's suggesting it remained intact until then. Please see the related links.

What are some unsafe neighborhoods in Brooklyn and the Bronx?

In Brooklyn: Parts of East New York, parts of Bushwick, all of Brownsville, parts of Bedford Stuyvesant, parts of Crown Heights, parts of Flatbush, and most of Coney Island.

Why is it unsafe to jump out of moving bus?

its a matter of common sense. a moving object and speed would equal a nasty fall and lack of control when falling

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Tobacco is unsafe because of the various effects it has on the human body. It can cause damage to the lungs and premature wrinkling of the skin.

Why is long loose hair unsafe in a lab?

I think long,loose hair is unsafe in a lab because you could burn your hair.