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I don't think it is weird, as long as you don't act on those feelings that would be illegal (if you are a minor)

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Q: Is it weird to get turned on by teachers?
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T his is a really weird question................

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no they are not that's really weird . and illegal

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Percy Jackson had several teachers. Two of the most notable were Mrs. Dodds (who turned out being a fury), and Mr. Brunner (who turned out being Chiron).

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Yep, and some have cancer, some are bald, some are skinny, some are fat, some are weird, some are normal, some are mean and some are nice. I am sure there are teachers with different things about them that make them unique.

What happened to Eli Goldsworthy's Father?

He turned gothic, and well he is just that way. Since Eli is weird, he is just like his father.

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He turned his back on me when I needed him the most.

What can you do to make a teacher like you?

take good grades, pay attention, act kind and cute, do your homework, dont insult him/her, be quiet. damn, teachers are weird, arent they?

Are there foot positions in Jazz dance?

yes there are. they are the same as ballet. Most teachers will have u dance with legs turned in while jazz dancing however. so all of the positions would be in parallel, rather than turned out.

Why do teachers think phones are annoying?

Because some one can call you in the middle of class or something and you would keep thinking of it you won't pay attention to the teacher