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That probably depends on both the opinion of her friends and how she is looking.

Is it wrong to change in a women's changing area? No... if you are a woman, that's okay. It is where you are supposed to change.

Is it wrong to look at another woman in an appreciative way? Probably not, if it is just a thought and you keep it to yourself, but you should respect people who are in a woman's changing room in large part because they don't want to be looked at in that way. Keep your eyes to yourself as much as possible.

... Is it wrong to make a friend a mental object of lust for a long period of time without telling them? ... Could be. Might need to either stop thinking about it, or let your friend know that you have feelings for her.

Again, though, thoughts aren't actions... they just have the potential to become so, and we don't have any legal basis to go after someone for thoughts. In addition, the friends have no idea what is going on mentally... maybe the lesbian friend doesn't find you attractive at all, and you are just assuming that because she is attracted to women, that she looks at all women in the same way. I don't think that is true for anyone. Even guys don't lust after every woman they see... they like particular ones, and fall in love with individuals.

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Q: Is it wrong for an unconfessed lesbian to change with her female friends?
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Friendships are based on trust and loyalty so if you truly are a lesbian then it would be best to tell your most trusted friends the truth. However, be quick to explain that you have no intentions of converting any female friend as far as becoming a lesbian as that is a homophobes worst fear. If your friends are truly your friends then being a lesbian should not be a problem. You do run the risk that your friends may not understand, but in most cases they do and if they don't they were never meant to be your friends in the first place. Remember, pick a few of your closest and reliable friends to be honest with and as far as the rest of the group of friends what you are or what you do in your private time is no one elses business.

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Hi, I'm Saima Balouch I'm Lesbian, i used to make love with my female friends and also my mom. plz visit my link: love only lesbian Saima

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When they are female and homosexual.

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By definition, a lesbian is a female. There may be some males who think or feel they are or were meant to be female and in their minds think of themselves as lesbian, but it is only in their minds, no one else is going to look at it that way.

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