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Why are you asking strangers? Talk it over with him.

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Q: Is it wrong for me to want to leave my husband if I can't get pregnant so that way he knows the feeling of being a father?
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it was being a father and a husband

My husband is illegal and you are pregnant if he has no criminal history may he stay here?

My being pregnant, as unlikely as that might be, has no bearing on your husband's citizenship. If you are a citizen and you married him he won't be deported until you kick him to the curb.

What other important jobs did Thomas Jefferson have His lifetime?

it was being a father and a husband

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No, if you can explain what you mean by weird, I could help.

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Being hungry is a feeling. Hunger is your bodies response to lack of food or nutrients. Being pregnant is a physiological state of housing a developing fetus/baby inside your womb.

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Being sick in the morning is either you being pregnant or nat having enough sleep

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How dare you even think of cheating on your husband and not telling him. i want you to tell him now as you disgust me. spit on you. Full Stop

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Hunger pains? No, nothing you mentioned points toward being pregnant.

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missed period, nipples are dark, breasts grow, feeling sick/nausea

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Feeling of being desired by some one outside the duties and sense of attachment/marriage. At a later age, feeling young.

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He is guilty of both being a husband and father.

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Nothing. the law recognizes the legal husband as the legal father of the child.