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no it is not right to be jealous of your boyfriends best friend because he has known him for over a decade and there are things that you will learn so you know as much about your boyfriend but there are things that you know about your boyfriend that his best friend does not

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Q: Is it wrong to be jealous of your boyfriends best friend because he knows more about your boyfriend than you do?
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personally for all of my relationships with friends and their boyfriends is, if you were really a good friend you would be totally cool around your friend and her boyfriend. then find someone else you like even more. You have to support your friend an be there for her when things go wrong. You are bound to find some other guy at some point!

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Not if you are still dating your boyfriend, but you can if you haven't seen or talked to your boyfriend for at least 6 months. If you have broken it off with your boyfriend then you could go out with your boyfriends friend, but you have to make sure that your boyfriend is no longer with you (for a long time (6 months would be safe)) and he is okay with you dating his friend. There is a jealousy factor that you have to take into consideration and that is going out with your boyfriends friend may cause unforeseen problems which could come back to haunt both of you. Please be advised that this is not a good decision, even if your boyfriend is okay with you dating his friend in reality he isn't. They are still friends and they will talk to each other and compare notes. Your boyfriend eventually will become jealous then angry with you and his friend which will ultimately end up in arguments and a fight. These situations don't work out. Find someone else to date that is not your boyfriend or his friend!

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Well in this case. i have a boyfriend and he has a girl that is his friend and she likes him. you just have to get over her and try not to get jealous. Just move on and ingnore her. if you have any mor questions please email me at:

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