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Personally, I think it's fine to look at them every once in a while, but once you start to stare at it for long periods of time, you'll know that you're starting to obsess over her/him.

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Q: Is it wrong to copy your crush's pictures off facebook Or is that normal?
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One can simply log into account used to put the cats on Facebook then delete the pictures.

Is it wrong that a female coworker at your husbands job post playful pictures of him on her facebook page?

yes it is because that probably means that she likes him

What can you do if you can not get your Facebook profile picture on?

It may be because something is wrong with the face book web site. (which seams to happen often) ...Or something is wrong with your computer. Other then that.... I don't know. :ALL OTHER PICTURES ON WEBSITE SHOW UP ITS JUST ON FACEBOOK

How do I tell my boyfriend his facebook pictures are embarrassing?

Just say I have seen your facebook pics and I don't think you should keep them on there because they don't show how good looking you are and people might get the wrong Idea from some of them and think your not good looking which would be wrong

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hahaha.... facebook has many things wrong with it... :P

When I try to upload pictures into an album on Facebook it says Upload Failed Please Try Again and it wont let me upload anything What am I doing wrong or what should I do?

try uploading from a different computer.

Is it wrong to look at pictures of your girlfriend in a bikini?

Not at all! It's perfectly normal. In fact, please upload some so we can all see them! Thanks in advance.

How can Facebook be a disadvantage?

I, for one, am a very big user of Facebook. But I am fully aware of it's disadvantages. It is dangers. You never really know who you are talking too. And sometimes people have the wrong intention. You have to be careful as too what you write and what pictures you show. Always think one step ahead.

How do you delete likes from Facebook?

when i open my facebook it says code when i do my code it says wrong i dont no what to do

Why do people need Facebook what is wrong with using the telephone instead?

some people don't like talking on the telephone. sometimes the reception is bad and you can't hear people! and facebook is more than just conversations. you can post links to websites or play games or put up pictures of friends.

Can't log on to my Facebook account?

If you can't log into Facebook, then there is probably something wrong with your internet connection.