

Is it wrong to hate gay people?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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10y ago

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Yes, it is morally and universally wrong to hate people based on the way they were born.

However, many countries, including the U.S. have freedom of speech. So as long as a person is not advocating violence, or damaging property, they are legally free to verbally hate any group they want.

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she doesn't hate 'gay' people. she loves everyone, she's a sweetheart.

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A:Some people do claim to know the mind of God, but I doubt it. The possible reasons God does not hate gay people:God does not exist;God understands gay people and does not believe they are doing wrong;God realises that, as creator, the existence of gays is his own responsibility;God is forgiving.

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No. You can't be born wrong. Being gay is part of the natural world.