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No, "gay" is the correct term.

In fact it's the other way around. Using the word "homosexual" as a noun is considered outdated and inflammatory.

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Q: Is it wrong to use the word gay to describe a homosexual?
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Related questions

What is the slang word for gay?

One common slang word for gay is "queer." It is important to note that the use of slang terms can be offensive to some individuals, so it's best to use respectful and inclusive language.

What is a big word for gay?


What you another word for gay?

homosexual, homophile

Is 'gay' the official word for 'homosexual' or is it just slang?

Language is constantly changing. "Homosexual" refers to sexual activity between two people of the same sex, so -- strictly speaking -- saying "That person is a homosexual" would be like looking at a firefighter and saying, "That person is a fire." In general usage, "a homosexual" may refer to a male or a female. Until the 1960's, the word "gay" was used to refer to a homosexual person of either sex. Now, "gay" refers almost always to a gay male; homosexual females are "lesbians." At this time in the US, the preferred phrase (assuming you are referring to homosexual people in general) is "gay and lesbian" or "lesbian and gay." "Homosexual" is used only as an adjective to describe particular sexual acts. Once again, though, language is constantly changing.

What is the Japanese word for homosexual?

okama is a somewhat derrogatory word for gay people.

What is the spanish word for gay?

gay = homosexual in Spanish (the h is silent). Spanish speaking people also use the English word "gay".

Is gay a slang term?

Not if it is used for homosexuals, since that is the primary usage. It was once considered slang for that, but it is now accepted usage, and more accepted than the word homosexual. The word homosexual has a clinical feel to it, and they insist they are born that way and have nothing wrong with them. Now, the word gay can be slang for the word stupid. A person may call a boring movie gay. That is a somewhat offensive usage, since it sort of lumps gay people in with things that are stupid, shoddy, inferior, etc.

Is it correct to say homo or homosexual?

Neither is correct.In general, both of these are terms to be avoided. Use the word gay instead. While some gay people do not mind "homo" or "homosexual," the word "gay" is the more widely accepted term.

What are homosexual acts?

"homosexual acts" is the term that homophobes and other bigots use to describe gay sexual intimacy, but they also sometimes use this term to describe every single aspect of an openly gay person's life, such as holding hands in public or going to the post office.

If being gay is natural why then aren't there homosexual chickens?

You are wrong. Chickens do exhibit homosexual behavior.Furthermore, we do not define human nature by comparing it to what is natural for other species.

What does gay mean in latin?

There is no Latin word "gay". The English word "gay" is "hilaris" in Latin, although this is likely to refer to the old-fashioned meaning of "gay" as happy, as opposed to homosexual.

Is the word giggle in Spanish gay?

No. "giggle" in Spanish is "risilla" or "risita." "Gay", in reference to a homosexual individual, is "gay" in Spanish. Sort of a Spanglishism.