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This is what he told you and you believed him you are a fool. A man will tell you anything to get in your pants wake up. Haven't you read the answers this man gave do your homework.Yes, life is short. Do not wait for any man to leave; move on to someone who is single and happy to be with you.

Hell yes. You shouldn't be with a married man to begin with and a married man SHOULD NEVER BE WITH YOU!

If a married man is messing around with you in all likelihood he will mess around on you. WAKE the HECK UP.

There are so many great single guys out there just looking for the right girl. Give them a chance instead of a married man who wants his cake an eat it too. No pun intended.

If you honestly think he isn't messing with his wife when he isn't with you just to prove to her he isn't cheating you are grossly mistaken! YES IT'S WRONG. WAKE THE HECK UP!!!!!!

Better yet, ask him to take you home with him to meet his wife. See how serious about you he is then. Then you can see how bad his marriage really is.

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Q: Is it wrong to wait for a man to leave an unhappy marriage?
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