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A big part of it known as OCCUPIED STATE OF Jammu & KASHMIR is under the control of India and another fragment namely AZAD KASHMIR (AZAD means FREE) is under the control of Pakistan but AZAD KASHMIR has its own President, Prime Minister, and own governess system. A bit of Kashmir namely Aksai Chin is under the control of China.

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Q: Is kashmir part of Pakistan
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Did Kashmir ever become independent from Pakistan?

its a disputed territory Azaad Jammu and Kashmir is a part of Pakistan

Is kashmir in Pakistan?

Some part is in Pakistan,but majority of area is In INDIA

Should Kashmir be a part of Pakistan?

Yeah! It should be...

Kashmir is part of which country?

Pakistan, China and India

What are the opinions on whether Kashmir should be a part of Pakistan?

yes kashmir should belong to Pakistan, and it is as far as I am concerned. India is so big and wants everything. They know that Kashmir doesn't belong to them. People from Kashmir do not want to be a part of India. Kashmir is Islamic. The people are nothing like Indians and share nothing in common with Indians.

Who was the third party in the Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan?

The Kashmir insurgents were the third party in the Kashmir dispute, along with the Indians and Pakistanis. The insurgents were split between wanting independence and wanting to be part of Pakistan.

When kashmir has given a special status?

After India Got freedom from British colonialism, Unfortunately India was splitted in to Pakistan and India. On that time Kashmir was not a part of India or Pakistan. When Pakistan tried to Acquire Kashmir, The King of Kashmir sought help from Indians and they made an agreement with Indian Govt. Because of this we have included Kashmir as a part of India and gave special priveleage (Article 370) to Kashmir. I hope You may understand what i meant................These are in layman language..... By JKP, Bangalore

Is azad kashmir and gilgit baltistan are part of Pakistan?

azda kashmir, Gilgit baltistan,leh,kargil,jammu,kashmir,asakchin are intrigal part of jammu & kashmir .jammu and kashmir is not a part of india or pakistan. we are imperialist by these two countries.shame these countries.these countries tells the world jammu and kashmir is our intrigal part.if it is part of these countries so why UNO is sitting here. you know the truth but you denies this truth. jammu and kashmir is a country.these two countries not denies this.time is yours one day time is ours.

Is India Part of Pakistan?

No. India is not part of Pakistan and Pakistan is not part of India. However they do share a dispute area called Kashmir and speak the same main language called Punjabi.I hope this will help you!!!Alternation: Urdu is official language in both parts of Kashmir i.e. Occupied state of J&K (India) and Azad (Free) Kashmir (Pakland/Pakistan). Its native language is Kashmiri

How is Kashmir causing problems between India and Pakistan?

Kashmir has been at the center of a brutal tug-of-war between India and Pakistan for over sixty years. They have been struggling to obtain the region. There has been a temporary resolution, known as the line of control, splitting Kashmir so that India gets control over two thirds of the region. However, even though tensions had lessened, they haven't stopped completely. Three additional wars broke out between India and Pakistan. Pakistan believes Kashmir belongs to them because of its Muslim majority. Also Kashmiri people would much rather be with Pakistan even though India is rapidly growing economically, because of its Muslim majority-they're in fear of being considered second class citizens to the Hindus.

Is it true that people who live in kashmir wants to be a part of Pakistan?

It is likely that some do, the majority do not.

Why does Pakistan not recognize Armenia as a country?

Cause Pakistan sides with Armenia's enemy Azerbaijan, and Armenia recognizes Kashmir as part of India.