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Q: Is kidney disease related to stomach aneurysms?
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What are contraindications to anthistamine use?

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Is kidney disease associated with rare blood types?

Kidney disease is not related to rare blood type at all. However, eating certain foods or consuming certain beverages may impact your health and cause kidney problems.

What is glomerular kidney disease?

Glomerular kidney disease-- Disease of the kidney that affects the glomeruli, the part of the kidney that filters certain substances out of the blood.

What are some risks that can happen if you use smokeless tobacco?

Oral cancer, stomach cancer, kidney cancer, heart disease

Is there any difference between kidney disease and kidney failure?

Kidney disease can lead to kidney failure.

What is tubular kidney disease?

Tubular kidney disease-- Disease of the kidney that affect the tubules, the part of the kidney that allows certain substances to be reabsorbed back into the blood

What is focal nephritis?

Inflammation, usually related to disease or autoimmune disorders, that is confined to a specific area of the kidney.

What kidney disease does George Lopez have?

He has Gentic Kindney Disease

Where is rennin secreted?

Rennin or chymosin is secreted in the fourth stomach of a cow. See the related link for more information.

What is Kinney disease?

Kidney disease is a abnormal condition of the kidneys. This can be something like kidney stones or a kidney infection.

Is kidney disease related to tuberous sclerosis?

Kidney disease can be a serious medical concern in TS; it is the most frequent cause of death in people with TS older than 30 years. The most common renal finding is the angiomyolipoma.