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Many people assume that women go through life with many more difficulties than men. Although women do go through pregnancy and all the girl issues, this is not to say that men dont go through some things quite similar to this. Men are generally classified as strong and musculer but in general fact, they are not always like this. Some of the information i am about to give is from a recent debate at my school.

Child custody for fathers following a divorce is one of the most important aspects of a dissolving marriage. Throughout history the legal assumptions about child custody for fathers has changed significantly. Before the twentieth century children were regarded as the property of their father. A major shift occurred after this period in history, as family courts came to favor mothers almost completely in child custody cases. Men pay a medium of $3,600 annually to support their children, while women pay a medium of $2,400 each year. This is a significant difference considering that now days women tend to be the legal guardian after a divorce or marriage breakdown. During the separation and legal action phase of a divorce it is common for the court to award or grant one party "temporary custody" of the children until the divorce is finalized. The terms of the standard "temporary" specify that children stay with there mother and the father gets to see them every other weekend. The approximate time limit before a custody case is finalized and all the details fulfilled is about six to twelve months, possibly more. During this time the children are in temporary custody of their mother, the children's schedules are (naturally) adjusted to accommodate her plans, her workday, etc. So when both parties finally go to court, the ex-wife's attorney will tell the judge that "the children have been residing with the mother in an established custodial environment for the last year" and that because of this "permanent custody should be awarded to the mother".Nine times out of ten the judge will do exactly as the attorney requests because, after all, the children have established a routine living with the mother and the judge doesn't wish to upset this routine. The judge will often justify his decision by citing the all-important "stability" factor.

Another example of situations that have been harder for men than it has been for women is that of homosexuality. In history, the discrimination against same gender relationships, as many of you should have noticed is far worse against men than it is alongside women. As many people would have discovered by observing everyday society the discrimination in this area definitely varies. We are not saying that it hasn't been a difficult road of acceptance for women as well, but society itself has more publicly degraded men. Proof of public prejudice against homosexual men in Australia is Bondi's 'gay gang murders'. In the late 1900's there were a series of disappearances and murders of homosexual men by gangs at one of Australia's most famous landmarks, Bondi Beach. At the time of these murders, same gender relationship participants were struggling to be accepted in society and the murders and disappearances of these men made it particularly difficult for their gender especially since no-one was allowed to publicly grieve for this loss, because at the time, their lives were deemed insignificant to society. Homosexual men also struggle to be accepted into the community because of the stereotypical image portrayed by straight men. Straight men have developed a very masculine and tough image over time to appeal to women, and by developing same gender relationships, homosexual men have been emotionally and physically mocked for many years. The Bondi murders prove that same gender relationships between men are not as publicly accepted as it is for women. An event such as this has not been heard of in Australia against women therefore proving that yet another aspect of life for men is more difficult.

dont forget abuse, physical, mental and sexual. Men are overlooked when it comes to these things, society today just asssume that men will get over it quicker, but in most cases they are just as scarred as a women would be.

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15y ago

Depends on how hard the man is ahaahhahaha

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