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No it is a sign of an endometrial problem or thatteh sex was too rough. Go to the doctor and they will do an endometrial biopsy to find out if there is a problem in the endometrium.

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Q: Is light bleeding the morning after sex a sign of conception?
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Could a light pinkish discharge instead of a period be implantation bleeding?

Yes it can be a sign of implantation bleeding. If the bleeding is very light and not light a normal period than this could be implantation. Yes it can be a sign of implantation bleeding. If the bleeding is very light and not light a normal period than this could be implantation. Yes it can be a sign of implantation bleeding. If the bleeding is very light and not light a normal period than this could be implantation.

What are symptoms of conception?

Bleeding isn't but spotting. If it is heavy, it is unlikely that it is the sign of implantation.

What would be a sign that you are pregnant when you missed birth control pills?

morning sickness it can occur 2 - 8 weeks after conception

Is red spotting a sign of pregnancy if it occurs 6 days after intercourse for only 2 and a half days and could it be implantation bleeding?

It's possible. I experienced it 4 days after conception, and lasted 5 days very light.

Is light bleeding in clear discharge a sign of pregnancy and mild cramps which I usually don't get?

Go see your doctor.

Is bleeding after sex a sign of infertility if you have chlamydia?

Bleeding after sex is most often a sign of cervical infection in chlamydia. It's not necessarily a sign of infertilty.

Is sore tingling nipples a sign of pregnancy and how long after conception will you start to notice this symptom?

Yes. This is a sign of pregnancy. But it is also a sign of your period about to come. Most women say they notice this symptom between 2-5 weeks after conception.

Why the red color light is used as sign of danger and not the yellow?

Danger can result in bleeding, and blood is red in color. Yellow has no such associations; it is associated with sunshine and buttercups.

Is implantation bleeding a good sign of pregnancy?

I have had one child and I am pregnant now with my second, but I didn't know I was pregnant with the second until a few days ago. Around the time my period was due I had a light pink discharge that morning and nothing else, so 1 week later I took the test and I was pregnant.

What are sign of cervical cancer?

pelvic pain......bleeding after intercourse, bleeding after menopause, Bleeding that occurs between regular menstraul period

Could you be pregnant if you have been on the birth control Implanon and have been on your period for a month and half with very light spotting and somewhat heavy bleeding with cramping at times?

Signs of pregnancy on the implant are lack of bleeding and positive pregnancy test. Irregular bleeding on the implant is a side effect, and not a sign of pregnancy.

Is light bleeding with clots a sign of ectopic pregnancy?

Not always. Some women who have bleeding have successful pregnancies. However, if you have any bleeding during pregnancy, you should discuss this with your doctor who will monitor hcg or check using ultrasound to monitor the pregnancy.