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No, light is not part of the radio spectrum. But, both the radio spectrum and light are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The electromagnetic spectrum is a range of frequencies from very low to very high. Light frequencies are higher than radio frequencies but both are the same kind of thing.

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Q: Is light part of the radio spectrum?
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"electromagnetic spectrum"

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What is visible light part of?

Visible light is part of what is called the electromagnetic spectrum. Light is electromagnetic energy, and so are radio waves, microwaves, X-rays and gamma rays.

Sentence for the word electromagnetic spectrum?

White light, which can split in to the colours is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are, cosmic rays, X-rays, UV light, infra red(IR) waves, micro waves, and radio waves. m ic ray of the spectrum

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X-Rays are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Other waves on the electromagnetic spectrum include light, radio waves, and gamma rays.

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they are all part of the electro magnet spectrum :)

What is ment by spectrum?

A spectrum can take many forms. It usually means a range or group of things. For example... White light is split into the spectrum of colours by a prism. Radio waves form a small part of the electro-magnetic spectrum.

How does a radio telescope see objects which are too dim for an ordinary telescope?

Radio Telescope observe light of a different wavelength then optical light. Radio waves have a longer wavelength then visible light. Some interstellar objects barley emit any light in the visible spectrum but emit a significant amount of radiation in the radio spectrum. Radio telescopes enable us to view objects which emit in the radio spectrum.

The part of the electromagnetic spectrum that you can actually see is called the spectrum?

No, its just visible light - light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum and is in the middle of it.

What is the small part of the light spectrum that you can see - called?

Visible light spectrum.