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Q: Is lower back pain accompanied with lower abdominal pain normal when pregnant?
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You are 27 weeks pregnant and you have been having a lot of lower abdominal pressures why is that?

Your baby is growing. It's pressing on other organs in your body. It's normal.

Does pressure in your lower abdominal mean I'm pregnant?

Not necessarily. Lower abdominal pressure can be caused by many other things, including overeating and constipation. If you believe there is a chance you may be pregnant, take a pregnancy test. If you are concerned about this abdominal pressure, consult your doctor.

Does miscarrying hurt?

Miscarrying is usually accompanied by abdominal pain, pelvic cramps, and sometimes lower back pain.

If you're pregnant will your lower abdominal area hurt?

yes....but actually it depends

Can stress cause abdominal pain while pregnant?

so yes, stress can cause lower abdominal pain on the right or the left stress caused me to have pain on the lower left abdominal it could be the stress or gas that causes the pain

Why do i feel a heartbeat in my lower stomach?

The heartbeat you feel in your lower stomach is the abdominal aorta beating and it is perfectly normal.

After sex Is lower abdominal pain a sign of pregnancy?

No, it takes 3 days for a sperm to get into a egg and make you pregnant.

Is it normal to have lower abdominal pain during sex and a shooting pain after sex?

no it is not normal you should see a doctor Maybe a urinary track infection

Is 6 days late period and lower abdominal tightness a sign of pregnancy?

If you are pregnant, the period you miss you won't get at all. The abdominal tightness is probably just cramping from your period coming late.

Could someone be pregnant if they are two weeks late and they have lower abdominal soreness?

Yes. Take a home pregnancy test and contact your physician.

What is lower back and abdominal pain at 34 weeks pregnant?

Could be the baby is the wrong way round. Check up with your doctors :o)

How about a kick in your lower abdominal?

kick in your lower adodiminal