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Considering that our first parents chose the god of this world, the serpent:

"...called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world..." (Rev.12:9) above their Creator [breaking the first Commandment]... doubting His word and all the things He told them, and believing the lies of the serpent --

all the generations of deceived mankind, in the Judgment, will be floored when they learn the Truth and discover the real god the majority of them worshiped over the six millennia of man's rule on earth.

God has been calling out of each generation a certain number of His "elect," to whom He is revealing His Truth during this allotted time. These will Christ gather unto Himself upon His return to rule the Kingdom on earth with Him for a thousand years.

That means that more men throughout the generations have worshiped the WRONG God... more than the RIGHT One.

To say that this group of men or that group is worshiping Lucifer above any other of the children of Adam and Eve isn't prudent. The Truth of God says that THE WHOLE WORLD IS DECEIVED by him.

That means that even God's elect [who also are in the world] are also deceived in some way or other. Else, the scripture is a lie and God's Word isn't Truth.

The Bible reveals the criteria for His saints. If you wish to hazard to make an assessment among men as to who may be God's Child and who isn't:

" are they that KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD, and THE FAITH OF JESUS." (Rev.14:12)

Odds are probably favorable that you'll find a Child of God in the strangest places... coming to a knowledge of His Truth in the midst of vast numbers of deceived families... groups, cults, societies... and whole nations.

God's "intimate" love, wisdom, knowledge and understanding is revealed to individuals... not en mass to cliques and clubs of men.

I'm not a Freemason. I don't know what their beliefs are. If they don't keep the Commandments of God and the Faith of Jesus... they have the wrong god. But, if they don't... there still may be some among them to whom God is calling and revealing Himself.

It's God's call to make... not ours. He can see our spriits and knows our hearts... we possess no such discernment. We have to make our assessments according to the fruit we and others bear.

"Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." (Matt.7:20)

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Q: Is lucifer the god of freemasons?
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