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Yes. with no doubt it changes the looks, the taste and the nutritional value also.

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Q: Is making a fruit salad with raw fruits a physical change?
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Why is chopping of fruits a physical change?

You are changing the state of the fruit but not its properties or composition.

Is making a fruit shake a physical change?

Yes because the fruit is now in a liquid form.

Is sweetening a sour fruit a chemical change?

Making a fruit salad involves physical activities and physical change. It's not a chemical change. The result is a physical change in the ingredients to allow them to be physically combined to make the fruit salad.

Is rotting fruit a chemical change?

no. Rotting fruit is just changing the form of the fruit not making an entirely new substance. So, it is a physical change. Sorry ... rotting is a chemical change - the bacteria and molds are "eating" the fruit and changeing it into the eqivalent of poo. Drying fruit would be mostly a physical change.

When strawberries are blended with milk to make a smoothie is it a physical change or chemical?

physical when making a smoothie you pulverize fruit and ice both are physical changes.

Is making a fruit shake a chemical change?

Making a fruit shake or smoothie is not considered a chemical change.

Is a rotten fruit a chemical or physical change?

A rotten fruit is a physical change. Physical changes involve a change in size shape or state but the chemical makeup of the material remains the same. In the case of a rotten fruit the physical appearance has changed but the chemical composition of the fruit remains the same. The physical change can be seen in the following ways: The color of the fruit has changed from its original color to a brown or black color. The texture of the fruit has changed from firm to mushy. The smell of the fruit has changed from sweet to sour.Rotten fruit is an example of a physical change because the chemical composition of the fruit remains the same even though the physical appearance has changed.

Is fruit becoming ripe a physical change or a chemical change?


Is opened a can of fuit left out of the refigerator a physical or chemical change?

it is a physical change because it is still fruit.

Is fruit fermenting a physical or a chemical change?


Is fruit rotting a chemical or a physical?

Chemical change

What kind of fruit do australians like to eat?

Australians eat a great variety of fruit. They are fond of the old "staple" fruits, such as oranges, mandarins and apples. They also enjoy stone fruits, such as peaches, apricots and nectarines. Then there are the tropical fruits such as mangoes, bananas, pawpaws and pineapples which they also enjoy. New and exotic fruits are also making their way into the market, such as star fruit, chocolate pudding fruit and so on.