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No. Unless you just ate a poisonous mushroom, forcing yourself to throw up is a bad idea. It can lead to rotten teeth, eroded esophagus, and nutrient deficiencies.

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Q: Is making yourself throw up healthy?
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If you make yourself throw up are you bulimic or do you have to get it as a disease?

Bulimia is the act of making yourself purge food that you have eaten. It cannot be caught as a disease.

Is making yourself throwing up a quick weight loss?

No way! Do not do it. Better to exercise. Once you throw up, it will become a habit

What nutritional habits might lead to tooth decay?

1.smoking 2.making yourself throw up

How do you make yourself vomit to get off work or leave work?

Making yourself vomit is harmful. It damages the muscles of your esophagus and the stomach acid you throw up also harms the esophagus. Smart people don't make themselves throw up.

Why do you have to throw up?

idk but i know how you can make yourself throw up. Well you can look at something gross or you can make yourself sick.

How do you lose weight if you can't throw up your food?

Exercise and eat healthy. Eat fewer calories, exercise more. Burn more calories than you consume. DO NOT throw up to lose weight. You will cause serious physical and psychological damage to yourself.

I am sick really really sick i make my self throw up and i was wondering how can i do it in a healthy way?

Don't make yourself throw up, it ruins your stomach, and increases your chance for strep throat, and you will also get yellow, and rotted teeth. I asked a doctor about it, and health trainers.

What do you do if you make yourself throw up?

Anorexia or Bulimia

Is there an eaiser way to make yourself throw up without gagging yourself?

Don't do it.

What do you do when you overdose on triple c?

Throw up. If you think you are ODing off of tripple cs and you arent throwing up, make yourself throw up. If you dont throw up you WILL die.

How can you become as skinny as a model?

Just be healthy and exercise a lot. Or you can Starve yourself (Bad Idea) -_- 0_0 OR you can take laxatives to throw up whatever you eat (Bad Idea) -_- 0_0

Is it bad to force yourself to throw up food?
