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Yes, malaria is endemic widely across the world.

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Q: Is malaria infecting people in other places besides Africa?
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How can you use malaria in a sentence?

In Africa many people died from malaria.

Where are people suffering from malaria?

West and Central Africa mostly.

How do people contract malaria?

The main way that people contract malaria is by mosquito bites. A mosquito that is infected with malaria bites someone/ sucks their blood. And the malaria wich is probably a virus or bacteria is going throughout the blood stream multipying and infecting healthy blood cells giving the victom malaria

What health risks do people and animals in different climate regions of Africa face?

Sleeping Sickness and malaria

How is malaria parasitic to people?

malaria is a protozoan infection caused by plasmodium species by female anopheles infects human liver and erythrocytes! it asexually develop in cells and feed on cellular contents leading to cell burst and infecting thousands of cells.

How many people die in Africa from malaria per year?

at least one million a year. ;(

Why are malaria infections in Africa found in epidemic proportions?

People with a sickle-cell gene are resistant, but not immune, to malaria. African people, who were greatly exposed to malaria, were more likely to survive malaria with sickle-cell genes, so the survivors passed it on to their children. Not all African people have sickle-cell genes.

How Many People Died From Malaria?

Each year, there are more than 225 million cases of malaria, killing around 781,000 people each year according to the latest WHO Report. The majority of deaths are of young children in sub-Saharan Africa. Ninety percent of malaria-related deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa.

How many people die worldwide a year from malaria?

1 in 5 childhood deaths are caused by malaria

What percentage of people who catch malaria die of it?

Each year 350-500 million cases of malaria occur worldwide, and over one million people die, most of them young children in sub-Saharan Africa.

How people have been infected with malaria?

Malaria is caused by a sporozoan that lives inside a mosquito. When the mosquito sucks a human's blood, it also transmits the sporozoan to the human. Basically, malaria is transmitted to humans through mosquitos. Not all mosquito bites give people malaria, however. Most of the cases are localized to Africa. Places near the equator.

How malaria first started?

-Unknown- Malaria has been infecting humans for at least 50,000 years, and may have existed as a pathogen in other species for even longer. For this reason it is impossible to know where the first cases of malaria appeared. While the earliest references to a malaria-like illness come from China, that is by no means an indication that malaria originated in Asia.