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Yes, marasmus is a severe form of malnutrition caused by insufficient intake of both protein and calories. It leads to severe wasting of muscle and fat tissue, stunted growth, and weakened immune system. If left untreated, marasmus can be life-threatening.

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Q: Is marasmus a serious condition resulting from inadequate intake of protein and energy?
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Name one nutritional disorder found in children caused by a deficiency of protein and energy in the diet?

Kwashiorkor is a nutritional disorder found in children caused by a deficiency of protein and energy in the diet. It is characterized by symptoms such as swelling, poor growth, and a distended belly.

What happens in the photosystem II protein when it is hit by a photon of light?

When a photon of light hits the photosystem II protein, it excites an electron within the chlorophyll molecules in the protein. This electron is then passed along a series of molecules within the protein, resulting in the generation of a proton gradient and the release of oxygen as a byproduct of water splitting.

The actual transport of protons by the proton pump is mediated by a transmembrane protein which undergoes a change in its?

conformation during the transport process. This conformation change allows the protein to alternately bind and release protons on opposite sides of the membrane, resulting in the movement of protons across the membrane against their concentration gradient.

Why is X-ray radiation required in protein structure determination?

X-ray radiation is used in protein structure determination because it can penetrate dense protein crystals and interact with the electron cloud surrounding atoms. When the X-rays hit the crystal, they diffract, and the resulting diffraction pattern can be used to determine the three-dimensional structure of the protein.

How many grams of nitrogen are contained in 2500 kcal diet that provides 15 percent of the energy as protein?

To calculate the amount of nitrogen in a diet, you typically assume that 16% of protein is nitrogen. In this case, if 15% of the energy in the diet comes from protein, you can calculate the total protein in the diet (2500 kcal * 0.15 = 375 kcal from protein). Then, convert this to grams of protein using the fact that protein provides 4 kcal/g. Finally, since protein is about 16% nitrogen, you can calculate the total grams of nitrogen in the diet.

Related questions

Are there any different characteristics regarding Marasmus and Kwashiorkor?

Marasmus is a condition involving both severe protein deficiency and markedly inadequate intake of calories. Kwashiorkor is a condition involving severe protein deficiency, but in the context of sufficient or only mildly deficient intake of carbohydrates and calories, overall.

What does Marasmus develop from?

Inadequate energy and protein intake (or nutrient intake overall)

What causes the two types of protein-energy malnutrition?

Kwashiorkor occurs with fair or adequate calorie intake but inadequate protein intake, while marasmus occurs when the diet is inadequate in both calories and protein.

Marasmus usually is associated with a deficiency of?

Marasmus is caused by the deficiency of protein

What is the preventions of marasmus?

Marasmus is a medical condition found in children that is caused by malnutrition. A symptom is the wasting away of muscles. To prevent this, a child should eat nutritious foods that contain adequate amounts of protein and vitamins.

What is the term applied to a more severe condition that results from a deficiency of protein and calories?

The condition is known as "marasmus", which is a subset of malnutrition. Note that for clinical purposes, the above is often refered to as either "protein-calorie deficiency" or "protein-energy deficiency". All refer to the same condition.

What is Athrepsia?

Athrepsia is extreme debility in children caused by malnutrition. Children are undernourished due to a deficiency in protein and calories. This condition is also called marasmus.

Marasmus disease is caused due to the deficiency of?

mainly Protein

What are 2 conditions associated with deficiencies in protein?

Marasmus and Kwashiorkor

Marasmus describes what form of malnutrition?

Marasmus-- Severe malnutritution in children caused by a diet lacking in calories as well as protein. Marasmus may also be caused by disease and parasitic infection.

How can a person suffering from kwashiorkor and marasmus be described?

A person suffering from kwashiorkor suffers from lack of protein. This causes fluid retention and the appearance of bloating. It has many side effects. Marasmus, a condition characterized by wasting away of muscle tissue and fat stores, often results from a deficiency in calories as well as protein, according to the Linus Pauling Institute. People with marasmus typically appear emaciated and are severely underweight. Read more at the Related Link.

What is the disease caused by lack of protein and carbohydrates?

Kwashiorkor is a disease caused by severe protein deficiency. Marasmus is a condition caused by overall malnutrition, including deficiency in protein and carbohydrates. Both conditions can lead to severe health complications if left untreated.