

Is marriage license legal if husband is illegal?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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The license is legal if the application was filled out properly. However, the issuing of a license will not change the status of the husband, he remains in the country illegally.

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Q: Is marriage license legal if husband is illegal?
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The marriage is still legal. And deportation does not invalidate the marriage.

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If a license was obtained and a marriage performed according to the laws of the state then it is legal.

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If the marriage license was issued and executed, the marriage is going to be considered legal. It could be annulled, depending on the laws of the state in question.

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Yes. If the marriage license was legally obtained and the ceremony legally performed the couple are considered married from the moment they are pronounced "husband and wife".

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It depends on the country and in the USA, it depends on the state. If you hold yourself out to be husband and wife in some states, your "common law" marriage can be legally recognized by a court. However, in the majority of states you need legal documentation in the form of a marriage license that is signed and returned by the official who solemnizes the marriage.

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If the license was not executed, the marriage was not completed. No certificate of marriage was issued.

Is a same-sex marriage to an illegal immigrant considered legal in a state that recognizes same-sex marriage?

If the parties obtained a legal marriage license the marriage would be legal. Generally a valid picture ID is required such as: state issued ID; driver's license; passport; military ID, etc. You would need to check the requirements in the particular state.If the parties obtained a legal marriage license the marriage would be legal. Generally a valid picture ID is required such as: state issued ID; driver's license; passport; military ID, etc. You would need to check the requirements in the particular state.If the parties obtained a legal marriage license the marriage would be legal. Generally a valid picture ID is required such as: state issued ID; driver's license; passport; military ID, etc. You would need to check the requirements in the particular state.If the parties obtained a legal marriage license the marriage would be legal. Generally a valid picture ID is required such as: state issued ID; driver's license; passport; military ID, etc. You would need to check the requirements in the particular state.

Is your Marriage legal If your husbands Mom was the notary for the License?

Sure. If she was a legal notary and your license was filed with the state.

Can you use a copy of your birth certificate to obtain a marriage license in California and is it legal or illegal?

there is no need for birth certificate or anything but you must get registered at the time of marriage according to the requirements in California law's.

How can you get a permit for your illegal wife to work and fly to other states when you're a legal American?

If you're a legal American with a recognized marriage license, your wifey is legal. Probably just some paperwork to fill out. Congrats.

How can your fiancee from Mexico and you obtain a marriage license in Iowa if he is illegal?

You cannot obtain a marriage license unless he is legal. It would be best to focus on him obtaining citizenship so you can get married.

Does a marriage license mean your legally married?

No, a marriage license is a legal document that allows a couple to get married. The marriage license must be signed by both parties, an authorized officiant, and witnesses to make the marriage legally binding.