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Yes, it completely relaxes you and makes you drowsy and does make you sleep for a really long time... however, you end up being relaxed and drowsy the whole next day also. They say to take just one pill for it to be most effective, the more you take the less effective. I believe it is around 20-30 mg.

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Q: Is melatonin an effective sleep aid and how do you decide the dosage?
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What is the largest dosage of melatonin for sleep?

The largest recommended dosage for melatonin is 1 mg or 2 mg.

What hormone regulates sleep?

Melatonin is the hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles in the body. Produced by the pineal gland, melatonin levels typically rise in the evening, signaling to the body that it is time to sleep. Disruption in melatonin production can lead to sleep disorders.

What is melatonin for?

OTC melatonin is generally used as a sleep aid. In the body, melatonin is used to protect the skin. It's what makes you get tan.

What is the importance of serotonin in sleep?

Serotonin causes the Pineal Gland to secrete Melatonin. Melatonin helps regulate your sleep cycle.

Can you take Melatonin when you take Zoloft?

Benadryl, melatonin, or Dramamine will help you sleep

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Melatonin is a .?

Of course Melatonin is a horm one.It is produced by Pineal gland.

What is the relationship between melatonin and secretion and sleep?

Melatonin is the hormone that sets the biological clock. More melatonin is released during the dark and during sleep. Less is released during strong sunlight.

Which drug is more effective in lack of sleep?

Ambien, Lunesta and Rozerem are three common, effective drugs that are used by those suffering from a lack of sleep, or insomnia. These drugs are only available by prescription. An over-the-counter drug that may help with insomnia is melatonin.

What is maximum safe dosage of melatonin for teens?

There's been no evidence that melatonin is a drug that is capable of an OD. Personally, I've taken several mgs (upwards of 20) and was fine. The only drawback is that you'll feel very groggy in the morning. Also, don't use too much, well, too much. Melatonin is a naturally occurring drug that is excreted from the pineal gland in the absence of light. If you continue to regularly take melatonin every night, it can temporarily disrupt melatonin production in the brain. It's not life-threatening by any means, but it can severely disrupt your natural sleep schedule.

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What glands regulates sleep?

The pineal gland regulates sleep. The pineal gland is the gland that produces melatonin. Melatonin is responsible for people falling asleep.