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No. Copper is the second most elkectircally conductive of all metals. Silver is the most conductive.

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Does aluminum or copper produce more electricity?

Copper is more electrically conductive than aluminum (this is because aluminum forms a monomolecular layer of non-conductive aluminum oxide on its surface).

Electrical conductivity of copper?

Copper in one of the most electrically conductive of substances. Few materials have more conductivity. These include platinum, gold, and silver.

How much more conductive is copper than steel?

Assuming you mean electrically, Copper is roughly 10 times less electrically-resistant than steel. That is probably the best measurement to gauge by for what you are asking.

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Is silver a better conductor of electricity than copper?

no copper is more conductive YES, silver is more conductive than copper.

Is aluminum electrically conductive?

Yes...all metals are will conduct electricity.

What is electric wire made of?

mainly copper, or some other type of conductive material. Copper seems to be one of the cheapest and more conductive materials used.

What element is more conductive than copper?

Silver but it's more expensive so we tend to use copper more for conducting electricity

What makes Gold Atoms more conductive than other Atoms?

Gold is more conductive than other atoms (except silver and copper) because of its high concentration of free electrons. Silver and copper are more conductive than gold, but gold has the advantage of being corrosion resistant.

How much more thermally conductive are copper pots and pans compared to aluminum or stainless steel?

Copper is amongst the most thermally conductive material on the market. In most cases, copper is too hot for most cooking purposes, which is why aluminum and stainless steel are more popular.

What is the hypothesis about specific heat of ethanol and copper?

Copper's is lower because metals in general are more energy conductive than organic solvents.

What material conduct the most electricity?

Superconductors are materials that offer no electrical resistance whatsoever but the highest temperature any known superconductor can be while retaining its conductive properties is -181 degrees Celsius, making them an extremely impractical and expensive material for most purposes. As far as I know the most conductive material at room temperature is pure silver, which is slightly more conductive then pure copper and 50% more conductive then pure gold. Copper and gold are both used commonly for conduction however because copper is much cheaper then silver and nearly as conductive, and gold is more resistant to corrosion then either silver or copper despite its reduced capacity for electrical conduction.