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Q: Is milkweed a suitable food for birds why?
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Is milkweed suitable for birds?

No it is not

Is milk weed suitable for birds explain your answer?

No. Milkweed is toxic to just about everything but Monarch butterflies; who are toxic to birds.

What food web is the milkweed part of?

Milkweed is eaten by several species of insects, most notably the monarch butterfly larvae, red milkweed beetle, and milkweed tussock caterpillar or tiger moth. In turn, monarchs are eaten by birds, and tiger moths by bats.

Why are the milkweed threatened?

Milkweed plants are threatened primarily due to habitat loss, agricultural practices, and the use of herbicides. Loss of habitat reduces the availability of suitable areas for milkweed to grow, leading to declines in populations. Additionally, milkweed is a primary food source for monarch butterflies, and the decline in milkweed plants has contributed to the decline in monarch butterfly populations.

Can milkweed have a food web?

Yes a milkweed patch does have food web there are seven insects that are in it

What bug tastes bitter and yucky to birds?

Monarch Butterflies because they feed on milkweed and milkweed is poison.

What should you do if your birds had babies?

Provide some food suitable for them - what that is depends enormoulsy on what species they are.

What food chain begins with a milkweed?

The food chain would go, milkweed, monarch caterpillar, wasp.

Why were crows the only birds to visit the ghetto in Milkweed?

They collect corpses

What variables can affect the numbers of birds in a forest area?

The two main ones are:- Availability of suitable food, and the number of predators.

What two plants which Humming Birds may visit frequently to find nectar?

Milkweed & bloodflower

What is the main source of food for the larvae stage of a Monarch Butterfly?
