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Ther is no apparent sexual dimorphism in Red Tailed Black Sharks.

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Q: Is my Red tailed shark male or female?
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Related questions

What do you need to have a red tailed shark?

A red-tailed shark female and a red-tailed shark male.

Can you have a red tailed shark in a tropical fish tank?

why not

Is the red tailed black shark a predator or is it prey?

its a predator

Can Red-tailed black shark be with angelfish?

Yes , they can if you have a big tank.

Can a red tailed shark and bala shark exist together?

Yes, but make sure that you have a biggen enough aquarium. :/

Is the red tailed shark a shark or a fish?

A fish is an animal therefore it can be classified as both.

What does it mean if a red tailed shark is laying on the ground for a longtime?

its gonna die

How big are red tailed monkeys?

7 yards long The average body mass for a male red-tail monkey is 4.17 kilograms and for a female it is 3.00 kilograms (Fleagle, 1988).

What is the red tailed hawks physical appearance of the male?

There is not much difference between a male red tailed hawks physical appearance and that of a female. Both sexes usually have horizontal striping in the feathers. They have short, hooked beaks and yellow feet. Males weigh up to about 46 ounces. Females weigh about 25% more than males.

What is a male hind called?

A stag. While true, I wanted to point out that stag is male and hind is female for an animal called a red deer (in europe) or elk (in the USA). White-tailed deer and mule deer are bucks and does.

Do male and female red tailed hawks differ in appearance?

There is no difference between genders in this species yet there are different types borealis, harlani, krideri, and calurus.The names used are of course scientific.

How big can a female red tailed boa get?

They can get up to 6-13 feet long