

Is my betta fish sick

Updated: 10/6/2023
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6y ago

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AnswerFirst of all, you woudln't want your Betta Fish sick.

Second, make sure it has a clean tank, feed it once per day and also make sure it has to be happy = ) Put decorations and plants (fake or real, your choice), dont put any sharp plants or it will hurt the fins.

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6y ago

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If its just layinng in the bottom of the tank, no. Beta fish, once accustomed to their area, are very lazy. I leared this the hard way. If this is not the instance, then yes, it may be sick

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11y ago

There are many ways to tell if a betta is sick. They will often loose color, become lethargic, lay at the bottom of the tank, refuse to eat, not have any excrement, they may also have fin loss / rot, they can have open lesions or sores. There are many ways a betta can show you he is sick. Usually the first sign is clamped fins, or holding its fins close to its body.

If you just take a picture of it and take it to you'll local pet store and ask if it's ill and they will tell you .

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13y ago

Sometimes it's hard to tell but here's a list of signs that may indicate that your betta fish is sick:

1. Inactive - If he's not swimming or isn't running away from your hand when you reach into the tank, then he may be ill.

2. Erratic Swimming - He may be swimming, but it looks weird. He may be tilted on his side, or appears to be struggling.

3. Puffy Face/Gills - If his face or gills look puffy, like he suddenly swelled up, he is sick.

4. Tattered Fins - If his fins look torn, frayed, or ripped he is either sick or has been attacked by another tank mate. Please be careful of what other fish and creatures you put in a tank together.

5. Spots or fuzz - If your betta suddenly brakes out in spots, or unusual fuzziness, then he's likely got a parasite or decease of some kind.

6. No movement of gills or fins - If he's just floating, no fins moving, and no gills are moving.... I hate to tell you that he's dead.

If you Betta fish is ill or damaged, there are treatments out there. You just have to find out what is wrong with him and get treatment. You can seek assistance from a local fish store. Fish stores are usually very good at assisting with sick fish and are happy to help your little fishy friend ;-)

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12y ago

There are many different sicknesses, and therefore, many different symptoms. One common disease that occurs within betta fish is fin rot. When a betta has fin rot, it's fins will start to flake away and turn a milky white color. It can be treated with aquarium salt. Many diseases, if prevented before getting too serious, are not fatal, but my own betta died from fin rot, and I didn't notice until it was too late. In general, bettas will be depressed-looking, sometimes motionless, slinking around on the ground, not interacting with any other fish, hiding behind plants and other aquarium decorations, and not eating much. If you don't see too much of your betta anymore or it's disturbingly inactive, then you can pretty much guarantee it's sick. From there, I would suggest typing up the symptoms on a search engine and looking for a treatment.

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13y ago

There are some conditions you can treat at home; check at the store where you got it, or the links below, for lots of information. One thing to consider is that while most people think that bettas are perfectly fine at any temperature, the truth is that they are under stress when they are kept too cold or too warm. After treating the problem (if it is a treatable one) you may want to consider a small heater (available) to keep the fish more comfortable. Keep an aquarium thermometer in the tank/bowl so you can be sure your betta is ok. You also want to consider putting in a small amount of aquarium salt(follow directions carefully and remember that when tank water evaporates, the salt doesn't and its concentration goes up). This also has the effect of reducing stress.

See links for more.

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12y ago

Sometimes for example here is a sickness that betta fish can get called ich.It looks like there is a bunch of white spots on it.The illness can be treated easily

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12y ago

Yes- Any living creature can get sick.

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No that means your fish is depressed or feeling sick search betta sicknesses to see if she matches the symptoms. Remember your betta must come up for air, if she doesn't that could be trouble

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