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You may want to check to see if the 12yr old has a problem with their heart going in and out of rythem. I have an 11 yr old that has chest pains also and am looking for a cause to the chest pains. Feel free to e-mail me. Michelle Matson

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Q: Is not sleeping beyond 3 am and chestpains in a 12 yr old a side effect of Strattera?
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Are nightmares and sleepingwalking a side effect of Strattera in children?

I nave had frequent nightmares while taking strattera... However, I haven't been sleepwalking.... But then again... Maybe I have....

Can you take Gabapentin and Strattera together?

Yes, lyrica and strattera can be taken together. It is a rather speedy combo if I do say so, the lyrica can produce a "rolling" effect. And the strattera enhances that quite a bit. I should know, I'm doing it right now :]

Is extreme sleepiness a side effect of Strattera and does it go away after a few days?

I Was sleeping everyday on my lunch hour while taking Strattera, It made me feel dopey but it did help a little with concentration issues strangely enough. Just switched to metatdate...hope it works better. N One of the side effects of Strattera is fatigue, but this is not considered a permanent side effect and should resolve itself in two or three weeks as your body becomes accustomed to the drug. When you increase your dose or go off Strattera for a day or more, the fatigue may kick back in as your body re-adjusts, but for most users, this side-effect eventually goes away. Every person is different, though, and if you are taking other drugs, there could be interactions with them that will cause unexpected side effects.

Is shaking and blackouts a side effect of Strattera?

because of the big world because of the big world

Are there any side effect taken Lexapro and Strattera?

Mixing Lexapro and Strattera can cause a few side effects. The Lexapro can cause the Strattera to build up in the blood more. This causes dry mouth, sleep problems, dizziness, loss of appetite and heart palpitations.

Can you take cephalexin and Strattera together?

Yes, Cephalexin and Strattera can be taken together. Cephalexin is just an antibiotic and will have no effect on the Strattera.

How do you maintain or gain weight while taking Strattera?

hi heather, I'm not sure what you mean? Strattera has very little effect on the appetite. So if you want to gain weight just eat lots of fattening foods. That will do it.

Is slurred speech a side effect of Strattera?

Hi. It's funny that you mention that. I never had any issues with my speech, but I find on 20 mg. of Strattera per day I find myself stuttering and slurring my words on occassion.

What is amphetamin's effect?

it makes you have sleeping problems

How long will the sleeping potion take effect?

the sleeping potion actually lasts 42 hours,

Romeo How long will the sleeping potion take effect?

The sleeping potion will last for twelve hours.

How does Strattera effect the prostate?

Strattera has severely effected my prostate in that I'm so sore I can barely sit. My prostate aches so much it keeps me awake...I spend all day being tired and trying to go to the bathroom.