

Is nuclear energy cheaper than others than others?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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yes i believe that nuclear energy is cheaper than others

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Q: Is nuclear energy cheaper than others than others?
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What are some advantages of nuclear?

Cheaper, More energy than fossil fuel, Better for the air

Is nuclear energy an expensive source of energy?

Expensive to build, cheaper to run than using fossil fuels once it is built.

What are the dangers of nuclear power and weapons?

Nuclear power has no dangers. It is the opposite. Nuclear energy is a clean source for power production. It is even cleaner than solar energy. Power generation from nuclear energy is cheaper than that produced from solar, wind, gas, oil, and wind energy sources. Nuclear radiation from nuclear power plants is 100 times less than nuclear radiation from coal fired power plants. Nuclear weapons are of mass destruction nature due to emitted nuclear radiation, heat, and pressure air waves.

Why isn't nuclear energy cost effective?

It is not true. The levelized cost of a kilowatt hour electricity from nuclear energy is cheaper than any other source of electricity except hydraulic power in some countries.

How much does nuclear energy cost per joule?

See the attached link below for a survey of the economics of nuclear power

Why is hydro energy good?

It is good because water is a natural resource and therefore its attainment is cheaper than others.

How much money does nuclear energy save people?

Nuclear plants are expensive to build but cheaper to run than fossil fuelled plants. Overall the cost delivered to consumers is much the same

Where is the source of nuclear energy found?

Nuclear energy is gained from atoms of any kind, thus the name 'Nuclear'. We generally only use heavy, radioactive atoms for nuclear energy though, as they contain lots of energy and are easier to split than others typically. The most common element used in Nuclear Energy plants is Uranium, which is mined naturally in many world locations.

are nuclear power plants more cost effective cheaper than fossil fuels?

Levelized cost of kwh from a nuclear power plant is cheaper than from any fossil fueled power plants.

Why nuclear fission better?

Nuclear fission is now commercially available in nuclear fission reactors since the fifties of last century. Nuclear Fusion is still under R&D. Nuclear fission reactors are clean energy source.

Why do some stars look brighter than others?

Some stars make more nuclear fusion, or just have more energy.

Why nuclear energy a form of potential energy?

Potential energy is the energy of position. Because of the strong nuclear forces, certain configurations have more energy than others. Because the energy is related to forces (conservative forces, to be precise), this is a kind of potential energy - comparable to energy stored in a spring, or in the gravitational field of Earth, when you raise an object.