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no, its hydrophobic

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Q: Is olive oil polar
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Is candle wax ionic polar covalent or nonpolar covalent also what type of bonding does sugar salt and olive oil have?

Candle wax is covalent! Olive oil is non polar covalent. Because it can not disolve in water and water is polar.

What happens when you pour red wine vinegar and olive oil into a cup?

They will separate: olive oil on top, red wine vinegar on the bottom. The oil is non-polar and the vinegar (which is mostly water) is polar.

Is olive oil soluble in chloroform?

No the don't mix together. Chloroform is a polar compound.

Do polar compounds mix with nonpolar compounds?

no, in the case of polar and nonpolar the two do not mix it's like putting olive oil in milk

Which oil is healthier olive oil or canola oil?

Olive oil! Are u kidding me!?

Which one is better - soybean oil or olive oil?

Olive oil is the healthier of the two. Olive oil is one of the healthiest oils, period.

How do the properties of glycerol and water and olive oil compare to the properties of LPG?

Glycerol and water are polar molecules, soluble in water, while olive oil is nonpolar and immiscible in water. LPG is a gas at room temperature and pressure, while glycerol, water, and olive oil are liquids. LPG is a hydrocarbon with lower boiling point compared to glycerol, water, and olive oil.

Is light olive oil better than olive oil?

Light olive oil IS olive oil. Different varieties and types of olive oil are used for different things, so one cannot say that a certain olive oil is better than another.

Does olive oil contain fiber?

Olive oil doesn't contain fiber. It is simply oil from the olive.

Is olive oil polar or non-polar?

The majority of organic compounds (including oils, fats, components of petroleum etc.) are nonpolar. The electrons in these molecules are equally shared between the contained elements.

What are the health benefits of olive oil?

There are many benefits to eating olive oil. Olive oil has been known to help protect the body against Heart disease. You can incorporate olive oil in your diet by substituting vegetable oil for olive oil.

Does olive oil contain diary?

No, olive oil is pressed from olive's, no dairy is added.