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Omega 3 is a type of fatty acid that is in fish oil. EPA-DHA is docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), which are in fish oil. The 1000mg part is telling you how much fish oil is in each capsule. See the Related Link.

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Q: Is omega 3 EPA-DHA the same as fish oil 1000mg?
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Does salted fish have protein what is the source of nutrients if any?

Yes, salted fish has the same amount of protein. The nutrients in salted fish besides protein is B12 and omega-3 vitamins.

Is Omega 3 the same as Fish Oil?

HI dear, Omega 3 oils are the nutritional supplements available today in the form of liquid oils that are rich in omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Last month, I have purchased megaOmega algae oil supplements from Free Spirit Group at an affordable price.

I 1000mg of naproxen and 1000mg of acetaminophen at the same time?

If you take 1000 mg of naproxen and 1000mg of acetaminophen at the same time, you are setting yourself up for tummy trouble. 500mg is the standard dosage of naproxen used for pain, with 1500 being the maximum to be used in a 24 hr period.Consult with your doctor about more options for pain management.

2000 grams is the same as how many mg?

2000 grams is the same as 2,000,000 mg (1 gram = 1000mg)

What are fish burps caused by fish oil and omega -3?

Omega 3-6-9 pills and fish oil cause "fishy" or sea-food tasting burps. That is because the essential fatty acids making up these common dietary supplements are made of just that, fish. It is the same as eating anything else and burping up something odourous later. Garlic anyone? The base of a fish oil capsule is a fat called triglyceride that is a bad fat that our body cannot use so your body rejects it and has a hard time using the omega 3 that your body needs. So you get fishy burps and limited absorption from fish oil. I take a Krill oil that has a phospholipid base every cell in the human body has phospholipids so it is easily absorbed (48 times more) and no fish burps ever.

What is omega 9 oil?

These chemical compounds are precursors for the synthesis of prostaglandins, which help regulate blood clotting, body temperature, blood pressure, reproduction and immune function. Omega 3 oils are also "building blocks" for our brain. Omega 3 oils you can find fatty sorts of fish, virgin olive oil. Omega 6 oils can be found in meat.

Spyder paintball gun better than bt omega?

Nearly any spyder model will shoot the same as as the Bt omega. However it has a less durable design and will not look as "milsim" as the Omega was built for.

How does vehetable oil negitivley effect health?

Why is this so dangerous for our health?Refined vegetable oil, like soybean oil, is an omega 6 fatty acid. Our body needs fats to survive, but many nutritional experts believe that to achieve optimal health humans need to balance their fat intake between omega 6 fatty acids, derived from seeds and nuts, and omega 3 fatty acids, primarily found in the fat of cold water fish such as salmon, sardines, herring, and mackerel. Today instead of a 1:1 balanced intake of omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids, most western diets consume between a 10:1 to a 50:1 ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids. Changing that ratio is the best thing we can do to change the future of our health today.Increased omega 6 intake can be attributed to obesity, depression, hyperactivity, and possibly even violence. Omega 6 fatty acids increase at the cellular level, which may explain the rise in hypertension, heart, certain types of cancers, asthma, and cognitive degenerative diseases. Omega 3 fatty acids on the other hand are precursors for anti-inflammation agents and help counterbalance the negative effects from the high levels of omega 6 fats we consume every day in our diets.Omega 3 is a type of and our bodies do make them on our own. We have to obtain the necessary amounts from our diets. However, since the chief source of omega 3 fatty acids is cold water fish, the average person would need to consume approximately four pounds of fresh fish per day to receive the same from two grams of a superior omega 3 fish oil supplement.Simple changes to our diets to reduce our omega 6 fatty acid intake may be difficult due to the wide ranging use of soybean oils in processed foods. The best bet to reduce your omega 6 fatty acid intake is to avoid processed foods in favor of freshly prepared meals. Increase your fish intake and start taking a superior omega 3 fish oil supplement to help balance your bodies need for essential fatty acids.

What are some side effects of fish oil supplements?

Possible side effects of taking fish oil supplements include:Fishy tasteBelching (stomach gas)Other intestinal problems such as nausea or diarrhea.A significant risk of fish oil supplementation is heavy metal poisoning, i.e. the build-up of mercury, lead, nickel, arsenic and cadmium and other contaminants, which may be found in less refined fish oil supplements.Also note that cod liver oils and fish oils are not the same. Cod liver oil is extracted from cod liver and is a source of vitamins A and D. You would probably exceed the recommended daily intake of vitamins A and D if you took cod liver oil to get the Omega-3 benefits.AnswerMost issues with fish oil can be eliminated by substituting flax seed oil instead. Flax seed oil is converted to omega-3s by the body. I do not believe there is a single reported case of pure omega-3 harming a person in history. Omega-3 is used because it counteracts the omega-6 oils, which are harmful, and which everyone gets too much of. Of course, every situation is somewhat unique, but a person would be hard pressed to find any evidence of pure omega-3 oils causing harm. In excess, anything can become deadly, even pure water. It would be difficult to take omega-3 at a dangerous level. It is something of a wonder tonic for both the brain and the body. The safest strategy is to use pure cold-pressed flax seed oil, and allow the body to convert it to as much omega-3 as it needs. Fish oil always has the risk of heavy metal contaminants.AnswerPoor quality fish oil supplements can cause side effects or risk because of the contaminants (heavy metal, mercury and other PCB pollutants) present in such products. You can reduce the risk of such pollutants by using pharmaceutical grade fish oil. Look for products containing fish oil which is of 90% purity, such as Triple Strength Omega 3.AnswerIt is possible to ingest too much fish oil when taking supplements along with a healthy diet. An omega-3 overdose is especially detrimental to those with bleeding disorders as one of the few side effects associated with omega 3 is that it can cause excessive bleeding. Another study has revealed that for those with implanted defibrillators omega-3 oil may cause a life threatening condition by increasing abnormal heart rhythms.Source:

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Is fish liver oil the same as cod liver oil?

"Pretty much. Cod liver oil has to come from the cod fish, whereas fish liver oil can come from any sort of fish."Well, not really. Cod liver oil, as the name suggests, is usually extracted from cod fish livers. But fish oil is obtained by heating flesh or by-products (i.e., leftovers) of fish processing, leading to differences in quality of the oil.Another major distinction - cod liver oil provides resources of vitamin A and vitamin D, in addition to Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA), which are widely known as Omega 3 fatty acids. Fish oil is a basic source of Omega 3.Each have their own benefits, and choice should be made accordingly.

Is a pregnant mother consuming a small amount of fish known to be high in mercury harmful to a developing baby?

No. According to a series of studies reviewed by the Harvard School of Public Health, any slight negative effect that mercury in fish might have would be outweighed by the omega-3 content. Studies tracking mothers consuming high amounts of fish tend to show that infants perform better on cognitive tests later in life- the opposite of what would be seen if mercury had a significant effect. Shark, swordfish, king mackerel (not canned), and tilefish are most often cited as fish to be avoided. It's true that these fish have some of the highest mercury levels of around, and given the fact that such fish are lower in omega 3s than many and also more expensive, it would make sense for pregnant women to choose other fish to consume. Still, accidentally consuming a single serving of one of these products is not something that should cause you to rush off to your hospital's ER. Pregnant women looking for the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids without the potential risks of mercury a few options. Salmon one of the fish highest in omega-3 content with around the lowest mercury content (most salmon tests at .1 parts per billion or registers an undetectable level). Fish oil capsules can also offer an easy way to get enough omega-3s, and usually have had any mercury removed during processing. Alternate sources of omega-3s, such as flaxseed are an option, though it's not known if the omega-3s in flaxseed confer the same advantage as those found in fish.