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One bail of hay is not good enough for a horse for the winter. A horse should have a lot more feed than that. Depending on what kind of hay the bail is made out of, because there are a lot of different types of hay that have different nutrient values. If you feed grass hay (a popular kind) one horse can be fed a ration of hay twice a day (or once a day twice being the better choice) until the bail is used up. One bail can last between 3to7 days depending on the size of the bale. For a whole winter, a horse can go through almost a ton of hay. This is if the hay is the only feed a horse gets and is not able to graze on any grass or pasture. The amount of hay fed will be less if there is fair pasture available.

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Q: Is one bail of hay good enough for a horse during the winter?
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Contact a family member, friend, or bail bondsman who can front enough money to effect your release.

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If you cannot afford to pay the bail, 99% of the time you can get a bail bondsman. Sometimes, if the bail is not a lot, they won't pay it.

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If you are already released on bail on one offense and then are arrested for committing another, you won't even be considered for the privilege of bail the second time around. You are already in violation of the provisions of your first release which, in itself, would be enough to revoke your original bail. You don't get two bites at the same apple.

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Provided you have enough cash on your person when you are arrested, then yes, you may pay your own bail. Otherwise, a phone call will be required.

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