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It can.

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Q: Is one day intercourse lead to pregnancy?
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Is there a possibility of pregnancy without actual intercourse after a normal period and the next one is delayed by 4 days?

no you have to have intercourse to get pregnant nooooooooo

Can you go for home pregnancy test after one week of unprotected intercourse?

No, 2 weeks.

Heavy rusty brown spotting for about a week one day after intercourse which was also 14 days after previous menstrual cycle Now periods late for about 10 days could this be a sign of pregnancy?

spottings a sign of pregnancy possibly..

Are the pregnancy result test good after one day?

No, usually the tests would be done a few days after sexual intercourse, otherwise you will get false negatives if you tested too soon.

Can a pregnancy test be accurate only one week after intercourse and a few days before your next period?

No, it wont be accurate until 14 days after intercourse.

How many days having intercourse can one check for pregnancy?

You can begin to get positive results from a home pregnancy test at a minimum of 2 weeks after conception.

Is it possible to knowing about fertilization occurs or not with sonography after one day of intercourse?

If sperm from intercourse met an egg which had already been released there would have been 24hrs for the pregnancy to establish. The zygote divides once every 20hr or so meaning there would be either 1, 4 or 8 cells present in the fallopian tube. A sonogram cannot pick up such small objects. Even if it could sperm from the act of intercourse could be viable for another day (48hrs in total) and so pregnancy from that act could result after the scan.

Can one have intercourse at any point in pregnancy?

In most cases, yes. Always ask your doctor at sonogram appointments if intercourse is still okay and nonharmful for both you and the developing baby. If there is a complication in your pregnancy, often doctors advise to take it easy, including with sexual activity.

Can one see his wife naked during fast?

yes you can but it is not recommended because if one is aroused it could lead to intercourse. Intercourse with ones spouse is not allowed from sun up to sun down.

What does it mean when you have one day of slight spotting ten days after period?

If the 10 days is after your last day of your period: If you have had unprotected intercourse it could be implantation bleeding. You could take a pregnancy test. If it is negative and you don't get your period within a week, retake the test.

If one female has intercourse with another female will one of them get pregnant?

No. Pregnancy is not possible between two females through intercourse. Pregnancy requires both sperm and egg. Males create sperm. Females create eggs. That's virtually the core defining difference between what the words male and female mean.

How soon after intercourse can one take a home pregnancy test?

You can get a positive result on a home pregnancy test as soon as 8 days past ovulation. However if you test that early you are more likely to get a negative even if you are pregnant. It is best to wait until the day you miss your period to have the best chance of getting a correct reading.