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Depends on the Capability of the child, but i would say so!

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Related questions

What are paper towns?

paper towns are fake places.

How many chapters are there in paper towns?

There are 22 chapters in the book "Paper Towns" by John Green.

When was Paper Towns created?

Paper Towns was created on 2008-10-16.

What is the ISBN of Paper Towns?

The ISBN for "Paper Towns" by John Green is 978-0525478188.

How many towns and cities does the River Thames flow through?

The main towns are Oxford, Reading, Windsor, London

What was Quentin's decision at the end of the book paper towns?

Quentin's decision was simple that the end of the book. He went to school and did not think of anything.

What generalization can you make about ghost towns?

moost people would be pissed off after reading this, but hey theres no choice, school is torture. Try googling stuff about ghost towns and write about it. i searched everywher i cant find it :(

Can you name 5 towns in England?

The 5 towns are Reading, Dudley, Northampton, Luton, Milton Keynes. Saumya

What is Q's full name in Paper Towns by John Green?

Quentin "Q" Jacobsen is the main character in the novel "Paper Towns" by John Green.

What does paper towns remind you of?

"Paper Towns" reminds me of adventure, mystery, and self-discovery. It's a story that explores the complexities of human relationships and the search for meaning in life.

Is the book Paper Towns nonfiction?

No, "Paper Towns" is a work of fiction written by John Green. It is a novel that tells the story of Quentin and his quest to find Margo Roth Spiegelman.

Who is the narrator in paper towns?

The narrator in "Paper Towns" by John Green is Quentin Jacobsen, also known as "Q." He is the main protagonist of the story and provides the perspective through which the events unfold.