

Is peeing outside bad for you?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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12y ago

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No, my dad was inside the house about to take me to the Rec and I had to pee badly and wouldn't make it to a bush so I peed on the back of the car until he came out and I finished it in the grass, peeing outside it what I always do!

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12y ago
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yes ive done it and it did not work

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yes, you can. but if the dog is peeing outside, then you shouldn't need to use the training pads outside. (???)

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try putting the pee pad outside. make sure the dog knows that it's outside. every time the dog pee's in the house, you need to let the dog know that that's bad by saying no in an angry voice and putting it outside. once the dog starts peeing outside, you can get rid of the pee pad.

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one of three things to solve the problem: get a trainer, get hardwood floors, or keep it outside

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YOu need to clean around the litter box with sent distrying cleaner