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I have had direct experience using this for client care and hearing uniformly positive feedback. One DOES NOT , however, apply pure peppermint oil- far too harsh. Making a strong peppermint tea (say 4 bags to a pint) and apply compresses and as a wash to the affected area as needed. One could add a very well mixed DROP of therapeutic grade peppermint essential oil, which is widely available. This is a situation where "more is not better".

Other oils may be caustic, and essential oils use necessitates at least SOME education and awareness, so I would caution not to experiment. A drop of lavender essential oil could be helpful, added to a water infusion, but peppermint seems to win all around for most .

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Q: Is peppermint oil is good for shingles and what other essential oils can be used?
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Is peppermint tea good for indisgestion?

Yes, peppermint tea is good for indigestion. You will have to drink it yourself and notice what results your body produces. If your indigestion does not go away then you could have some other issues like imbalanced good/bad bacteria, lack of digestive enzymes, or anything else that's unique to you. Also, make sure that poor quality of peppermint was not used to make tea. You can read more about peppermint tea's benefit in the source link I will leave in the "Sources and related links" section below.

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