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No. Most organic compounds do not contain phosphorus. While it is necessary for life, it is only necessary for a few organic compounds.

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no,they do not.

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Q: Is phosphorus in all organic compounds?
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What do organic compounds have in common?

Just remember NCHOPS.Which stands for; Nitrogen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus, and Sulfur, All organic compounds usually have C,H, and O. Most also have nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur.

What organic compounds contain a element?

All do. They are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur.

All what compounds contain the element carbon and usually the elements hydrogen oxygen nitrogen and phosphorus as well?


What two elements organic compounds always contain?

Organic compounds always contain Carbon and Hydrogen. Most organic compounds contain elements like Oxygen,Nitrogen,Phosphorus and sulphur. Organic compounds are found in living things.

What is the Composition of organic compounds?

what are the composition of organic compounds? "Carbong, Hydrogen and oxygen with small amount of halogen, nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus are the chief elements found in organic compounds." No, A composition of organic compounds are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids. Source: In AP Biology.

What are the most abundant elements found-in organic compounds?

Every organic compounds consist Carbon and Hydrogen. Other then that, more organic compounds contain Oxygen,Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Sulphur. Some organic compounds may contain Halides, or other elements.

What elements are essential to life. What are their chemical symbols?

Every living being is made of organic compounds. All the organic compounds contain carbon and hydrogen. Other than that, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur are present in them.

Which element is the main componemnt in all organic molecules?

By definition, organic compounds must contain hydrogen and carbon. Other common elements include oxygen and nitrogen and sometimes sulphur, phosphorus, halogens. There are many other compounds that contain metals (organometallic chemistry).

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All foods contain organic compounds.

What are all organic compounds are composed?

All organic compounds contain carbon.

What does the burning of organic compounds do?

All organic compounds can be burned.

Are organic compounds made of sugars or starches.?

Sugars and starches are organic compounds. But not all organic compounds are sugars and starches .