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Plants are sedentary, they do not move on their own.

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Q: Is plant locomotion present or absent?
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Is animal locomotion present or absent?

present what she said^^^

Is chlorophyll present in a plant cell but absent in an animal cell?

yes it is present in a plant cell but absent in an animal cel

What is present and absent in plant and animal cell?

A cell wall, chloroplast and large vacuole are present in plant cell. Whereas, Golgi body and grana are present in animal cell. A cell wall is absent in animal cells and Golgi Bodies are absent in plant cells.

Which organelle is present in a paramecium protozoa but absent in the cells of a strawberry plant?

A contractile vacuole is the organelle that is present in a paramecium protozoa but absent in the cells of a strawberry plant.

Which is present in a plant cell but not in an animal cell?

The organelle that is present in a plant cell but absent in an animal cell is a CELL WALL.

What happens if flagella is absent?

flagella is a locomotary organ for some micro-organisms,if flagella is not present there is no locomotion hence can be attacked by any organism and can be destroyed

What are two structures that are present in plant cells but are absent in animal cells?

Cell wall and Chloroplasts are present in plant cells but absent in animal cells.

Is Structures present in plant cells but absent from animal cells?

Cell Wall and Chloroplasts

Which organelles are present only in plant cells?

Chloroplasts are present only in plant cells.

Are plant cell menbrane is present or absent in an animal?

well a plant cell can't be in a animal so I'm just guessing no...

What do plant and animal cells differ by?

1. Cell wall present in plant cells and absent in animal cells. 2. Centrioles present in animal cells and absent in plant cells. 3. Chloroplasts & other plastids are present in plant cells; these are absent in animal cells. 4. Plant cell usually has a large vacuole, animal cells have small vacules. 5. Lysosomes are present in animal cells, hardly seen in plant cell. 6. The cell shape is defined in plants due to presence of cell wall, it is irregular in animal cells.

What are cell three main differences between plant cell and animal cell?

The major differences between plant cell and animal cell :-Animal cell-1. Cell wall is absent in animal cells.2. Chloroplasts and other plastids are generally absent.3. Glyoxysomes are absent in animal cell.4. Centrioles and centrosome in their cytoplasm is present.5. During cell division it forms amphiastral spindle.Plant cell-1. Cell wall is present in plant cell.2. Chloroplasts and other plastids are present.3. Glyoxysomes may be present in plant cell.4. Centrioles and centrosome are absent in plant cell.5. During cell division it forms anastral spindle.