

Is plastic made from dinosaur

Updated: 12/18/2022
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Q: Is plastic made from dinosaur
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Is Eubrontes a dinosaur?

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Do you have dinosaur carbon in us?

First and most. There is not much dinosaur anything to be found. Carbon that we are getting our fuel oils from is mainly made from very old plants that are now sitting about 7 miles down. Mostly it is made into fuel and plastic. There may be things made from dinosaur carbon (as rare and perhaps undefinable as having come from a dinosaur or plant) that we some how would get in our bodies and stay there but I don't know what that is. All life is recycled. Maybe what was in a dinosaur is in humans. It may not be knowable.

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no, plastic is made out of oils usually petroleum.

When was the first dinosaur mask made?

The first dinosaur models (life size and made of concrete) were made by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins of England in 1854.

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Plastic.. Depends what type, but plastic pipes are made from plastic. :)

What dinosaur do scientist think made the Rocky Hill tracks?

A dinosaur similar to Dilophosaurus probably made the tracks. Until scientists know find remains that match the footprints perfectly, the dinosaur that made the tracks is referred to as Eubrontes.

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A dinosaur defacated.

What is the data of how is dinosaur tracks made?


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