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Yes it is eligible.........but depends upon the institution..........

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Q: Is possible to work as a lecturerI have completed BE electrical and electronics and ME in computer scienceI am working as a lecturer in elecrical electronics engineeringIt is eligble are not?
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Ppt topics for elecrical and electronics engineering branch?

i want gud ppt topics for electrical and electronics

What is the difference between elecrical and electronics?

in electronics we use DC current but in elctrical equipment we use AC current

Would glass be a elecrical insulators?

Yes, glass is an electrical insulator.

What is a elecrical conductor?

a electrical conductor is a material that electricity can flow through.

Example of devices that can convert to electrical energy?

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What does a generator turn mechancal enegry or heat engry into?

Electrical enegry or elecrical engry.

How do put out electrical fires?

there is a specle fire extinguisher that is for elecrical fires ... DONT USE WATER

What are some uses for elecrical energy?

Lighting, heating, radio, TV, computers, phones, internet, medical electronics are some examples.

What is difference between electronics and electrical engineering?

There are several ways to differentiate it bur the most basic difference is that in electrical engineering we deal with flow of electrons, while in electronic engineering we deal with transfer of electrons(through holes).

How convert rotation energy in to elecrical energy?

A dynamo converts rotational energy into electrical energy. A good example is one used on a bicycle to generate power for the lights.

What is elecrical potential?


Why is a boiler and pump a model in a circuit?

You must mean "why can i model a boiler and pump" as an electrical circuit. The answer is "elecrical components can be arranged to correspond to a useful mathematical model for the boiler and pump."