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Yes they can, but make sure it is plain, with no salt or other added things. Saying that, cats do not need to eat potato - it gives them no nutrients whatsoever as cats get all of their nutrients from meat. Potato should, ideally, never be part of their daily diet. Cats are carnivores. They need to eat more meat than even dogs do. So always give plenty of meat, even if they do like a bit of potato now and then.

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13y ago

You can feed your cats this, but a cat will not gain anything from a high carbohydrate food such as potatoes. The oil may cause diarrhoea, as it passes straight through and acts as a lubricant in the digestive system. Cats are carnivores, so do best on a diet comprised of meat.

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Q: Is potatoes with butter and olive oil good for cats to eat?
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