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Q: Is protein a water-soluble and a fat-soluble organic nutrient needed for growth and regulating body temperature?
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How does the control of blood flow to the skin for the purpose of regulating body temperature differ from the control of nutrient blood flow to skin cells?


Which nutrient helps regulate temperature?

Water is the nutrient that helps regulate temperature.

The nutrient needed in small quantities for growth and regulating body functions is?

A (n) enzyme. :3

Which nutrient provides the medium for temperature control and plays a role in biochemical reactions?


Which nutrient makes up 60-65 percent of body mass and regulates temperature?

the water

What nutrient provides the most concentrated form of and maintains body temperature by providing insulation?

I believe that is fat.

How does water affect cows?

Water is the most important nutrient for a cow (or rather, for any animal) because it helps keep the animal hydrated and functioning normally. Water is crucial for all essential processes in the body, including the proper digestion and absorption of nutrients, removal of waste, and regulating body temperature. An animal can survive longer without feed than without water.

How does potassium chloride help lawns?

Potassium is a nutrient that helps soil and improves tissue cell walls in roots while promoting root growth and building tolerance to disease and drought stress, regulating water flow to plants.

What would be the ill effects of rising sea water temperature and increasing use of coast?

A rise in sea temperature will see nutrient-rich waters experience a food chain shift

What would be the ill effects of rising sea water temperature and increasing use of coasts?

A rise in sea temperature will see nutrient-rich waters experience a food chain shift

How can growth of bacteria inhibited?

by using a bacteriostatic agent or making conditions unfavourable for growth ie. by changing the temperature, oxygen availability, pH, nutrient media on which it is cultured.

What are the calligative properties of seawater?

Salinity, temperature, turbidity, pH, buffering capacity, dissolved oxygen, and nutrient levels.