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A (n) enzyme. :3

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Q: The nutrient needed in small quantities for growth and regulating body functions is?
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Is protein a water-soluble and a fat-soluble organic nutrient needed for growth and regulating body temperature?


12 A given species of bacteria is known to require 100 different nutrients 99 of these are in optimum quantities but one is limited You would expect that population growth would be?

limited by the quantity of that nutrient - its the limiting stepthe actually rate of growth depends on the relationship between tha nutrient and the growth rate if its a linear relationship then growth rate = k[Nutrient]

An organic nutrient that cannot be synthesized by the organism and must be provided is called?

"Essential nutrients" are unable to be synthesized internally (either at all, or in sufficient quantities), and so must be consumed by an organism from its environment.

How does potassium chloride help lawns?

Potassium is a nutrient that helps soil and improves tissue cell walls in roots while promoting root growth and building tolerance to disease and drought stress, regulating water flow to plants.

What function does the Ghrelin hormone do?

The Ghrelin hormone is an appetite regulating hormone. It is produced in the pancreas and also functions in helping growth. It also plays a role in adapting to environment change and the learning processes.

What are anti-auxins?

a substance that inhibits the growth-regulating function of an auxin

Is nutrient broth suitable for the growth of fungal species?


Does nutrient affect bacterial growth?

Yes, Mabye

If a nutrient is in short supply in an ecosystem how will it affect an organism?

Nutrients are essential for us to live. Without them, we would eventually die. When we are short of a nutrient, we would suffer from disorders associated with low intakes of that nutrient. For example, low iron intakes may mea one becomes anemic; low intakes of vitamin C can result in scurvy; and low intakes of vitamin D can result in rickets during development stages for children. Each nutrient has its deficiency. So, by eating a variety of foods to get all of the nutrients means we are getting what we need to stay healthy.

Is thyroid hormone a growth hormone?

No, thyroid hormones are associated with regulating metabolism.

Because nitrogen is required for growth it is considered as an essential?


What substance is assimilated by living things that promotes growth?
