

Is radiant a type of energy?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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12y ago

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Everything we do involves a transfer of energy. Everything.

You see, energy is mass, and mass is energy. Einstein's famous mass-energy equivalence equation e = mc2 makes that clear. Some people misunderstand that, however, in that they think it means that energy can be converted into mass, and that mass can be converted into energy. What is actually true is that energy can be neither created nor destroyed, nor can mass be created nor destroyed - they can only be moved from one frame of reference to another. Energy and mass are one and the same.

Now, I know I answered much more than the original question asked. The correct answer is yes, radiant is a type of energy, however, the more correct answer is that everything is a type of energy, and that's the point I wanted to make.

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