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Depends on the gearing. On a bike with several gears, there'll usually be a few that make pedalling real easy, which'd make going uphill easy too. Slow, but easy.

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Q: Is riding a bicycle easy to go uphills?
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How are riding a bicycle and writing an essay alike?

because we go on writing like a bicycle

What is the GO phase?

the go phase is when someone can drink coffee and eat a hamburger at the same time as riding a bicycle, this is so they can get to work faster...GO!GO!GO!

Where do you get a bicycle in heartgold?

To get a bicycle the easy way you have to go to Goldenrod City and there are crossroads there, go to the right of the crossroads and you will see a path behind some buildings. Go through it until you reach the end , you will see a shop. Go inside and talk to the shopkeeper he will tell you that he was not having good business then he will ask you to use a bicycle to advertise for him. Then you receive a bicycle. After a while of riding around the city he will call you telling you that he had a lot of customers then he thanks you and says that you can have the bicycle. The hard way is to go to cerulean city and buy one that is really expensive. Either way I prefer the easy way since it is free.Go to Goldenrod city at the train tracks you can go left or straight or right go right and go down till you cant go any more go in the nearest house and the person will ask you if you can advertise his bikes and say yes

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You are riding your bicycle it takes you 20 minutes to go 5 miles find the average speed?

15 miles per hour

Where in golden rod city you the bicycle in heart gold?

I'm guessing you're asking how you get the bicycle, if so you go to Goldenrod City, walk Northeast until you find a little nook with a small shop in it, go inside and talk to the man and he will lend you a bicycle so you can advertise for him by riding it around. Eventually he will call you saying he has gotten a lot of sales lately and gives you the bicycle as a gift.

Why should you buy a bicycle?

Riding is fun, good exercise and an environmentally friendly way to get aroundBecause riding them beats walking, provides some good exercise, is environmentally friendly, and reduce your reliance on cars to go places.

Does bicycle riding lead to erectile disfunction?

It can happen, but it's real rare.If you feel that you have areas in your groin that go numb, get another(better fitting) saddle, or have your whole riding position adjusted by someone who knows what they're doing.

When a person is riding a bicycle and suddenly apply the front brake the back part of the bicycle raises why?

Because of inertia. Stuff that is moving wants to keep moving. When the bike can't go forward, it'll try to topple forward instead.

Why don't you fall from a bicycle when you are riding?

You don't fall because you keep your balance once you get the hang of it; you don't go too far to the right, or too far to the left. You also lean forward. If you don't, you're most likely to fal over, or topple over. Keeping your balance is the key to sucess to riding a two wheeled bicycle.

Sentence with the word bicycle?

The bicycle squeaked. I've had a brand new bicycle for my birthday. I go to school on my bicycle.

What part of a bicycle makes the bicycle go?

The pedals, crank, chain, sprockets, and wheels. Along with the rider, they all work together to make the bicycle go.