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Q: Is run off a minor cause of soil erosion?
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How can soil erosion cause floods?

The water makes the soil wet and that causes it to tear apart and drop off. The water keeps on eating away at the soil.

What happens to a rangeland if it is overgrazed?

The vegetative growth is nearly killed off because it is eaten down to the soil. Which in turn could cause soil erosion.

How can overgrazing ang over cultivation cause soil erosion?

Grazing with hoofed animals such as cattle causes to topsoil to become compacted, and also breaks down soil structure. 'Poor' soil structure is when the soil does not form clumps (or aggregates), but instead exists as fine particles or dust. These fine surface soil particles are then easily blown away by wind or washed away by rain, causing erosion of soil. Compaction prevents rainfall from infiltrating (soaking into) the soil, and so much of it runs off, and this can also cause water erosion by washing away soil.

What would happen if trees in the mountain were cut and not replace?

There would be no trees on the mountain Soil erosion would occur this would cause run off

How does terracing help to prevent soil erosion?

Terracing prevents erosion, leaching and surface run-off, by trapping and slowing the water and soil that are being washed away.

What are the two causes of soil erosion explain?

Two major causes of soil loss are erosion and deliberate removal. Erosion is natural weathering of soil through water, wind or other weather conditions.

WHAT IS Problem cause?

Erosion cause the top soil to be washed a way this in turn brings about a situation where water is not retained in the soil causing degeneration in living material in the soil. As a result the soil drys out further and turns sandy and unable to sustain life leading to desertification. The washed out soil can also have a deleterious effect on the river and marine environments associated wit the run off.

How does erosion affect soil nutrients?

Yes, erosion can affect the soil's nutrients by either adding or removing them. For example, the dirt may be blown and fertile soil is left on top. On the other hand, fertile soil could be blown off and then it now has lost its fertile soil and minerals.

Most soil erosion is caused by?

Deserts are eroded by rainwater run-off and the wind. Plants roots secure the soil around them, but other loose material quickly becomes eroded.

When a mass of rock and soil suddenly slips down a slop what is that?

Usually erosion. Erosion is when rocks and soil crack and break off due to high amounts of pressure from water. Also can be called a mudslide.

What are dangers of erosion?

Erosion does have its dangers. Loss of topsoil leads to reduced soil fertility (which in turn can lead to food shortage, which is potentially very dangerous). Also, erosion of land can lead to the collapse of buildings that are built on that land.

What are the disadvantages of fire in Australian ecosystems?

Disadvantages: Fire can cause soil damage, especially through combustion in the litter layer and organic material in the soil. This organic material helps to protect the soil from erosion. When organic material is removed by an essentially intense fire, erosion can occur. Heat from intense fires can also cause soil particles to become hydrophobic. Rainwater then tends to run off the soil rather than to infiltrate through the soul. This can also contribute to erosion. In actuality, the negative effects of fires on soils are often exaggerated, and many fairly intense fires in western United States forests cause little soil damage. There is also the potential for alien plants to become established after fire in previously uninfested areas.