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This is not legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Consult the specific laws for the state and county in which you reside for the rules that apply. In most states, any 18 year old is considered an adult and is capable of deciding when and where they reside. They have the ability to contract for housing. SOME states allow minors to become emancipated under specific circumstances, but this is not just a matter of filling out some paperwork. A minor is the responsibility of their parents until such time as they reach the age of majority or are legally emancipated. The parents are required to provide for the support of their minor children. If the parents give permission, the minor can live in another location. Such permission does not relieve the parents of the responsibility to provide support. If the parents do not give permission, the minor can be considered a runaway. Charges may apply to individuals that aid and abet such runaways, particularly if they are under the age of consent. In some states it is my understanding that this is not enforced for 17 year olds that leave home. If you are subject to abuse, you should contact social services for your area. They will assist you in getting out of the bad environment and into a safe place.

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Q: Is running away from home illegal in New Hampshire?
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Are there laws on running away in Maine?

There are laws in the state of Maine for running away. It is illegal for to run away from home before you are 18 years of age or without your parent's consent.

Is running away from home illegal in the state of Oregon?

In Oregon, running away from home is considered a status offense rather than a criminal offense. This means that minors who run away can be taken into custody and returned to their parents or guardians, but they are not criminally charged. However, repeatedly running away could lead to more serious consequences and intervention from social services.

If you 18 can cops get you for running away?

Do you mean running away from home? By 18 you are legally an adult, so for running away from home, no, but if you are kidnaped they will still search for you.

Is running away a crime?

Running away from home is not typically considered a crime in most places. However, minors who run away may be considered to be engaging in delinquent behavior, and parents or guardians may be held responsible for their well-being. It's important to address the underlying issues that led to the runaway behavior and seek appropriate help and support.

Is it illegal for a child to run away from home?

In most places, it is not illegal for a child to run away from home. However, parents or legal guardians are still responsible for the safety and well-being of the child. It's important for families to address the underlying issues that may have led to the child wanting to run away.

What is the penalty for running away from home?

you are a tool

Is it illegal in New Hampshire to take someone's picture secretly without permission in their own home and post it on the internet is it also punishable?

Yes, it is illegal anywhere in the U.S to do that!

Where do you go if your cauht after running away?

if your caugh running away, u will be put in foster home, or in a detension center

Is running away from home a crime in Missouri?

no it is not crime

Is it illegal to run away from home in England UK?

It depends on your age.

Is constantly thinking about running away from home a disorder?

you tell me

Where to go when running away at the age twelve?

If you are considering running away at twelve, it's important to talk to a trusted adult about how you are feeling. They can help support you and potentially find solutions to the issues causing you distress. Running away can be dangerous, so seeking help and support is crucial. You can reach out to a school counselor, teacher, or a helpline for assistance.