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Salt is a compound - not an element. An element is a single substance - for example - sodium is an element and so is chlorine. A compound is a combination of 2 or more elements in one molecule. Sodium chloride - NaCl (salt) is, therefore, an element.

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Q: Is salt an element since the abbreviation is NaCl for sodium and chlorine?
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Is NaCI a element or compound?

i assume you are saying NaCl. It is a compound since it has two elements in it namely sodium and chlorine. An element however is an uncombined substance like only sodium

What is the element of NaCI?

i assume you are saying NaCl. It is a compound since it has two elements in it namely sodium and chlorine. An element however is an uncombined substance like only sodium

What is chlorine made out of?

Since chlorine is an element it is simply composed of chlorine. More specifically chlorine in its elemental form is made up of molecules of two chlorine atoms each.

Is sodium chlorine a molecular name?

No: "Sodium chlorine" is simply the names of two elements written adjacent to one another. The compound formed between these two elements is named "sodium chloride" Since this compound is ionically bonded, it is not strictly molecular.

How does salt desolve in water?

When solid sodium chloride is placed in water, water molecules form bonds to the sodium and chlorine ions. Since these bonds are quite strong compared to the ionic bonds, the sodium and chlorine are pulled apart. The result is sodium and chlorine atoms surrounded by a hydration shell (group of water molecules).

Who discover chlorine of periodic table of element?

Ancient times since 6000 B.C.

Why sodium has valency 1 and chlorine also 1?

Sodium has a valence of +1, because it has 1 valence electron, which it will readily lose to form compounds with non-metals. Chlorine has a valence of -1, because it needs 1 electron to fill its outer electron energy level (it already has 7). Like sodium, it is easy for chlorine to do this, since it only needs one. In fact, sodium and chlorine easily react with each other to from sodium chloride, or salt.

How much chlorine does table salt have?

Exactly half the atoms in salt are chloride ions. Since the chlorine atom is a bit heavier than the sodium atom, salt is about 61% chlorine by weight.

Why does sodium and chlorine form a stable bond?

Sodium and chlorine form bonds because of their valence electrons. the sodium atom has one electron on the outer ring, or level, while chlorine has 7. an atom is considered stable if it has 8 valence electrons, and since the two atoms have a total valence of 8, they will form a stable bond.

What is the abbreviation of amonia on the periodic table?

Ammonia is not on the periodic table since it is a compound, not an element. NH3

Why will no one ever find an element between sulfur and chlorine?

Elements are distinguished based on their number of protons. Chlorine has exactly one proton more than sulfur. Since there cannot be fractions of protons, there can be no element between sulfur and chlorine on the periodic table.

What is a representative particle of sodium chloride?

Na is the symbol for the element sodium (an atom). Cl is the symbol for the element chlorine (an atom). Since there are no subscripts it means that the elements bond in a 1 to 1 ratio. This means in one molecule of salt one sodium atom is bound to one chloride atom.